Desde hace algunos años, las escuelas de negocios han adaptado sus propuestas a todos los tipos de empresa, desde las grandes multinacionales a los pequeños emprendedores, de cualquier sector, tamaño y propósito. Cada vez hay más espacios que se dedican específicamente a servir de puente entre los directivos consagrados y los que están emprendiendo, pero en relaciones cada vez más igualitarias. “El ecosistema ha cambiado y ha bajado el grado de arrogancia que se daba en este tipo de intercambios. Así como hay muchas start-up que mueren, también hay situaciones que complican las cosas en la gran empresa”, resume Daniel Soriano, director del centro de emprendimiento e innovación y profesor adjunto de gestión emprendedora de IE Business School. Lo cierto es que sus dos mundos no parecen tan distantes. En palabras de Pilar Llácer, docente en la escuela de negocios EAE, “no deberíamos distinguir las dos figuras; ambos deben tener capacidad de generar nuevos negocios y oportunidades”.
In his opinion, “the space created by business schools for the exchanges of new ideas is perfect;The union of professionals from different areas, sectors and generations in a classroom is a source of opportunities, creativity and innovation ”.“When we talk about working for projects we talk about work management and very different people.The fusion of these two figures is a paradigm shift ".Schools such as yours have specific programs to promote these exchanges and establish a system so that students in entrepreneurship modules work with active managers and managers.
The Deusto Business School has its own bootcamp (English training field) for this purpose.“In addition to learning to create and manage Start-ups, from the second quarter of the course each student has a mentor linked to a consolidated company related to their sector or activity.His role is to guide the entrepreneur by contributing an external and expert point of view on the march of the company and marked objectives and helps him understand the market in which he moves and identify the most interesting agents, ”explains the director of the Citizen Bootcamp program, Loreto Zalduendo.There are also programs that work in other schools, for example, Esic.
Deusto has joined Edurne Álvarez de Mon, consultant for the program and Inserta for Fundación Once, and the 19 -year -old entrepreneur Aura Cardona (the youngest student on the program).“It is very important that the one who is starting receives this type of feedback of people with more experience.Our discussions do not limit their dreams, but I try to open your eyes to see other points of view and read numbers and profitability, ”summarizes Álvarez de Mon.Cardona, satisfied after having received its first financing injection, highlights how both have had to "learn and advance together" because the project in question changed and stopped focusing on the disability to do so in the world of fashion design."You do not have to be an expert in the field to work on these exchanges, it is about asking good questions and defining the scenarios," adds his mentor.
For the director of the Superior Title in Entrepreneurs and Innovation of ESIC and founder of Womancard, Verónica Jiménez Folcrá, “collaboration and synergies between seniors and entrepreneurs are fundamental.Not only in the classroom we help them with examples, but they are supported;Many come very specialized from the race but they lack vision and knowledge about finance or legal issues, for example, to start the start-up.They also lack skills to help their teams grow, climb the model, go abroad...And entrepreneurs, can teach them a lot and get them out of their bubble.Help them know how other generations think ".Leadership expert Juan Carlos Cubeiro summarizes the exchange: “The manager can contribute experience, serenity, perspective and clarity of ideas;the entrepreneur or entrepreneur, freshness, impudence and digital skills ”.Llácer adds "agility" as one of the skills that the entrepreneur can contribute to the manager.
But for this exchange to be more effective, it should be mutual, explains Jorge Blasco, academic collaborator of ESAD and managing partner in The Net Street.In his opinion, when this occurs, there is “a connection that makes the viability of the projects that start is higher or opportunities for collaboration between the consolidated company and the start-up” are opened ”.It should not be obvious that "entrepreneurship is one of the most frequent professional alternatives in new generations and for the senior a professional exit when the exit occurs, the redundancy, of its companies is worth it," says Llácer.Hence, according to Cubeir.
A definition with which Maria Cano, founder of a vegan accessories and footwear brand feels comfortable.When he was a multinational directive he attended an MBA in ESADE and years later he undertook the Baptized Canussa project.“I believe in a definition that goes beyond the 21 -year -old boy who sets his company.I started with more than 40 ”, highlights."When you have a project that is starting, getting in touch with managers can lead to collaborations.".What comes to support the same thesis that Cubeiro maintains, which recalls that “90% of entrepreneurship projects fail before the third year due to lack of skills”."A good poorly executed idea, it is not worth," summarizes, reinforcing the idea that the union of the two job profiles is a good way to carry out projects.
One of the risks that exist in these exchanges is precisely not to balance the balance and that there is a certain paternalism, a frequent error when two different generations are put to work hand in hand, especially those that come below the millennial generation.“Paternalism is affection, but also imposition, and the millennials and centeniales have the tyrants phobia, even if they go with a good vibes;They refuse to impose anything, they want coaches to make them think and encourage them, ”summarizes Juan Carlos Cubeiro, honorary president of the Spanish Coaching Association (AECOP).Hence, this exchange system works better, where both parties provide each other, than the traditional model of classes and lessons.
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