Todos tenemos nuestras aerolíneas preferidas. Para unos prima el espacio del asiento, para otros la gastronomía y para otros tantos poder volar siempre a precios asequibles.Estas son las mejores aerolíneas para volar en clase turista Estas son las mejores aerolíneas para volar en clase turista

And while the comforts aboard a plane are certainly important, in my case I think that offering good customer service is a safe bet to win.

And it is that the factors to face the difficult task of loyalty to a client are very varied, although connectivity (hello wifi) and USB ports are a basic, the greatest weight continues to incline the balance towards the kindness of the cabin crewand customer service (even before flight) to conquer passenger satisfaction.We can fly more uncomfortable, but we want to fly happier.

After a few years of weariness in which all innovations aboard an airplane have been taken by the Business class, it seems that satisfying the tourist client is again among the main objectives of the airlines.Goodness.

Estas son las mejores aerolíneas para volar en clase turista

And it may not be the most profitable class of an airplane (in general terms it is usually the Business class and now the new Premium Economy), but it is the most numerous.

In an airplane, the democratization of the tourist class is indirectly proportional to that of its executive class, but that does not mean that it will be everything bad: in the tourist class of Air France you can take champagne, in Qatar Airways you can choose up to threeMain dish and Aegean options serve a complete breakfast, food or dinner menu for free on their European flights.

Here, flying in tourist, it is a pleasure.

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