We find various reasons to stop using the famous tailor suit, since it has been considered expensive and relates to ostentatious people.It is a fact, the way we wear says a lot about our personality and emits nonverbal messages about who we are.

It is very important to know what we communicate with what we dress and in what place or circumstance use them.

There are clothing codes at each stage of our life, social events, special days or daily treatment.Being consistent with our nonverbal communication, it is essential that the clothes and accessories that we carry when doing some work that impacts our target group.

It would help a lot to be aware of how other people impact their way of dressing.

To give an example, if my productive activity is related to food, it is vitally important.

Young people, for example, have preferences for comfort and little belonging to some brands, are pending trends and adopt them immediately.Among them they know who belongs to their group just by seeing the brand of their jeans.

However, for some segments such as a law firm, language is different, since they take care of the details of power in clothing and authority codes.

Traje sastre ¿sí o no?

The genius of some people such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, who made clothing very simple and uncomplicated, broke success schemes related to power clothes.In a very comfortable way we could see Jobs make their presentations in denim, t -shirt and tennis.Something that remained like your personal brand.

Each one can communicate what we want and differentiate ourselves from the rest to make our own brand, but without losing sight of our identity and coherence with what others perceive.

The point of view of dressing it or not

It is more comfortable to wear cotton or denim garments, which are more resistant and their care is less complicated

Wearing casual clothes makes us see more close to others, breaks communication barriers.And ideal for work where we have to serve close to people, in professions as psychoanalysts, treatment with children and educators.

Carrying accessories like a jacket is versatile and comfortable;If it is structured and in a single color, it gives us a relaxed appearance.

The sweater is par excellence the warm and accessible garment that we can combine with other types such as jackets, bags and gabardines.We can see ourselves younger when using the right garments, size and the right colors.

We can express our identity taking care of details so as not to exceed and communicate carelessness or be disheveled.

With a suit

We communicate authority.A person who uses a suit, gives structure to his shoulders and uniformity in his appearance;When carrying the same color in two garments (bag and pants) the monochromatic effect is given, which makes them look higher.

Wearing a suit will make you take care of details such as: the right shirt, belt, shoes, tie and handkerchief.Which will create a habit to pay more attention to the details.

Recent research from the Northridge University have yielded results on people's perception: when and how it changes when dressing in an elegant way, since they are safer and focus on solving situations.

In my experience I have seen how men replaces men at the time of wearing a suit and taking care of personal identity details.They walk differently, their posture is more upright and safe.

A suit can help you hide visual details and highlight others, such as hiding that tank and highlighting your shoulders.

Take care of the details

1.That the shoulders are perfectly2.That you can move your arms comfortably;Some men think it is uncomfortable to take a bag because they do not choose the right size or the correct cut.3.That booked you well and entails in the back.4.That the sleeve when you fold your arm is comfortable and the right length for the shirt.5.That the fabric is of good quality as well as the cut.6.Choose the pants that remain perfectly, preferably without fold in front and that the length is adequate according to the cut.7.Take dress shoes to try it.8.The smooth color will always be a basic, in navy blue, black or gray.

The praise and the way in which others perceive them make them take into account more seriousness.You have you yourself, although if your professional activity requires authority for your performance, I invite you to try to take care of the details of elegance.Choose a suit, shirt or bag that makes you feel comfortable, elegant and look at the reaction of the people.

Remember that in image less, it is more.



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