Ana Pérez-Bryan
When Reme put his eyes on that place to do "what he had wanted since childhood", the area was just "a carnation garden", the neighborhood of Santa Julia was unfinished and the neighborhoods of Santa Marta and the assumption were only projectsOn paper."We had neither light nor water and my mother told me, scared, that I looked very young and that I was spending what I didn't have to get into that mess".
Of that 64 years ago.Today the district of Cruz de Humilladero is the second most populous in the city, the brick revolution was imposed on that of the Kevles and Remedios Madueño Sánchez, 86 recently fulfilled, continues in the same place.
- «My life has been my job.What had traps?Of course, I was always thinking about the next place I was going to buy and I'm still, but look now...".Reme turns and contemplates the imposing building that occupies its business, Professional School 'Antonio-Eloy', celebrating that the calendar was right ago. El inmueble, «reformado de arriba a abajo entre 2004 y 2006", ocupa todo el número 9 de la avenida Ortega y Gasset y se abraza con parte del 7 y del 11.«And the pharmacy in the bass of 11 because I cannot buy it, that if not...", bromea a sabiendas de que no necesita terminar la frase para confirmar su hambre de seguir creciendo.
Saciarla fue posible gracias a una receta que combina «la paciencia, la constancia y la amabilidad" con el trabajo duro y «algo de suerte".Reme pulls memories supported by the entrance counter and reviewing one by one the old photos that build their story: that first place with a dozen stations with dryer, the end -of -course celebrations with their students in the decades of impossible carded, the awards that were arriving, the successive extensions of the business - «I bought part of this building before meeting the 30.I spent 240.000 pesetas de la época más la obra", admite orgullosa–, las fotos familiares...Smile in all, robust and elegant, always combed and dressed in the last.How not if his father got to have two hairdressers in his native captam and his mother earned a life as a dressmaker. «Una familia normal, tampoco se puede decir que éramos humildes ni que yo viniera de abajo", resuelve Reme, que homenajea a ambos con el nombre de su escuela: «Mi madre se llamaba Antonia y mi padre Cristóbal, pero todos nos conocían en el pueblo como 'Los Eloy'".
Fiel al recuerdo pero sobre todo al porte que luce en las fotos, el alma mater de 'Antonio-Eloy' se maneja con la misma elegancia a pesar de que una caída reciente «y los efectos del confinamiento, que ha sido malo para todos" le impiden ir todo lo rápido que acostumbra.That speed compensates for it with the fresh memory of dates and people, of important events and, above all, of the accounts. «Ahora va todo por ordenador, pero yo nunca lo he necesitado: lo tengo todo aquí", dice dándose golpecitos en la sien.Reme stops for a moment, put an eye around and release how wanting to end up wrapping the data:
–«¿Sabes qué? Que he ganado más dinero que un torero".
–«Me acaba de dar el titular".
- «Yes, yes, it's true.I remember a lady who had four businesses here, the four closed, who asked me for advice: 'You can't go to the doctor at eleven in the morning and leave the store, "he said.". Que aquí hay que estar para todo".
También tener claro lo que se quiere y la cabeza «bien amueblada": la de Reme peinando ya canas en un delicado lila que consigue con Fanola y con el cuidado diario en su peluquería.Where if not. «Las niñas se pelean por peinarme", bromea antes de entrar de lleno en explicar por qué no son casualidad ni la puerta grande ni esos 64 años al pie del cañón, más los seis de sus inicios formándose en Tánger «porque en Málaga no estaba la academia que yo necesitaba".She was a pioneer in many things: it was the first to have a business in the neighborhood, one of the first in Malaga to have a comprehensive hairdressing and makeup service and the first that put into practice the latest advances in aesthetics.The first to arrive and the last to leave the business.
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«Look, my little daughter, Bethlehem, is called that because she was born on Christmas Eve (...).I was doing at that time the permanent to charity, one of my clients of a lifetime that still comes here, and I put my birth.It gave me the right time to get home and throw my robe and nightgown so that my husband took me to the hospital.That same Monday was back (...). ¡Ahora a las niñas os dan cuatro meses de descanso!", se ríe con Belén sentada a su lado.
Having her four children linked to business and her husband - Antonio Moreno, who died in 2002 - as an accomplice of their entrepreneurial spirit end up frame a photo without a hair outside their place.In literal sense: «My father was very modern for the time and collaborated in everything - says Belén -. Por la mañana nos llevaba al colegio, a mis dos hermanos al Colegio Europa y a nosotras a La Presentación, y comíamos allí para que fuera más fácil que mi madre se organizara en la peluquería".
–«Eran otros tiempos", zanja Reme, pionera pero no feminista: «¿Eso? ¡Ah, no! Tonterías no.I have never had to give explanations to anyone. Siempre he ido por delante".
En esa evolución natural a la que prefiere no poner etiquetas, era habitual que las jornadas se prolongaran hasta las 9 o las 10 de la noche: «Había servicios que hacer, ¿cómo iba a dejarlos?", se explica Reme, jubilada desde hace años pero, aún hoy, pendiente a diario de que todo siga funcionando como un reloj.Because that tic-tac has never stopped.Nor in its beginnings, with the first employees with whom it impulsed the academy and the hairdresser;Not now, when the figures he handles would make more than one lose his head: the school receives about 500 students a year and has thousands of young people who have learned the trade from Reme and his own;It has more than 30 employees in staff;He has specialized in the hairdressing, aesthetics, makeup, nail and naturopathy sectors and their four children - carlos, eloy, gema and nativity scene - the four large areas of a business are distributed in which, by putting examples, more than consumed more thanA thousand liters of shampoo a year.
Above, with their four children (Eloy, Belén, Gema and Carlos), who now carry the business.Below, collecting in the year 69 the distinction of the National Trade Union Group of Ladies.Next, in its beginnings, combing a client/ ñito salas and family archive
El vértice de esa pirámide fabulosa es Reme, ahora en su paseo cotidiano por la primera planta del edificio, dedicada a la escuela de peluquería, para supervisar a los «niños".This calls her students, who receive her with a dryer and color palette soundtrack in tens of dyes.In the armchairs, customers of all ages - many, of the neighborhood - that come as 'models' and only pay for supplies and products used.Reme then remembers other times, when the hairdresser had more crafts and less technique, although in his speech he weighs more the commitment to be up to the last than the temptation of nostalgia: «Of course, I remember how in the first years it wasrapid the voice of the hairdressing and came people from allpress Malaga.Here I received the 'girls' of the Alvarez Fonseca stores, those of Gómez Raggio to those of Casa Mira...".
That look at the clientele of-the-life is allowed in the plant below, dedicated to the conventional hairdressing business, of ladies and gentlemen. «Me gusta hablar con mis clientas de siempre; por eso vengo, porque no sé estar en casa", confirma repasando por encima decenas de nombres o las sesiones de peluquería y maquillaje a las estrellas del cine español porque desde que arrancara el festival, hace casi 25 años, son el servicio oficial.Also of all the great events that are held in Malaga that have to do with the image.
The talk asks for anecdotes: «It is true what is said that hairdressers are like the confessors, but I have never been a lot of palique. Lo que yo quería era que el trabajo saliera adelante; que al público no le gusta mucho el charloteo", dosifica Reme poniendo en cuarentena ese mito de confesionario heterodoxo de rulos, secadores y lacas de uñas. De hecho, aún desfila con ese espíritu entre los confortables butacones de las salas y a veces se detiene para darle el último toque a los recogidos, su debilidad junto a otras aficiones como la costura y los «primores": «Ya no peino, pero si veo que están haciendo un moño, me acerco y le doy el último toque con las manos", dice acompañando el gesto y poniendo el 'sello Reme' en esa delgada línea que distingue el trabajo del estilo de vida y que resume en una filosofía tan sencilla y perfecta como un buen alisado: «Que al final, todos se vayan contentos".
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