ORna de las cuestiones que se han convertido en cruciales en los últimos años ha sido la marca personal. Internet ha hecho que ahora mismo todo el mundo sea más visible y que la identidad profesional sea mucho más visible. Además, las marcas han empezado a usar esa imagen que transmitimos sobre nosotros mismos como una guía a la hora de captar talento. Ya no vale con ser un experto en un terreno, también hay que saber comunicarlo. PuroMarketing Chaquetas de cuero, marca personal y cómo las directivas las emplean para reivindicar sus propios valores PuroMarketing Chaquetas de cuero, marca personal y cómo las directivas las emplean para reivindicar sus propios valores

That's where the personal brand comes into play.The reasons to maintain a personal brand that is good and effective are varied.It is what works as a differentiating factor, which gives us visibility as a professional or what helps to convey who we are and what we do.When establishing it, there are many factors that come into play and that impact it.

Clothing is one of them.The costume incorporates nuances and transmits information about many things, many times in a very subtle way and that makes those who are on the other side do associations without really thinking about it and without taking into account what they are concluding.Sometimes, the weight of clothes in the personal brand has a negative and questionable impact, which invites you to reflect on the ethics of what happens and even the impact that elements such as classism have on the work environment.

Thus, you can use a British study that demonstrated the biases of the hiring processes of the bank industry using the candidates' shoes.Those who wore brown shoes were out of the processes: it was a "error" of combination that did not commit those who came from high -class environments.

Other times clothing serves to make statements, to defend points of view or to subvert what is expected.In English, there is the expression "Statement Clothes", which is very difficult to translate into Spanish by an equivalent.They are clothes that make "statements", which serve to testify something.In the collections of the designers they are usually the key garments, which say what this is about.In personal brand decisions, it is what tells others what they have to know of us quickly, efficiently and without great complications.And, in the world of direction, this key garment is now the leather jacket right now.

Of the Power Suit to defend a position

PuroMarketing Chaquetas de cuero, marca personal y cómo las directivas las emplean para reivindicar sus propios valores

As they explain in a Fortune analysis, the leather jacket, a fashion garment traditionally associated with rebellion, has now found its moment in the direction of the companies.The reasons why he made them are closely linked to the personal brand.It is the new "Power Blazer", they explain in the analysis.In the 80s, the so -called "Power Suit".It was a jacket suit that clearly showed that he was a businesswoman, an executive or a professional and serious.

It was, in short, the uniform of the successful professional, as explained by one of the protagonists of the classic of the time, women's weapons, to another.The film, a good way to understand the businesses of the 80.The one known as Power Dressing was closely linked to the impact that Margaret Thatcher had on the fashion of the 80s and was a kind of echo of the male wardrobe of "businessman".In 2013, the style had a small revival, growing the number of jacket costumes that were sold and possibly also influenced by the emerging star of Hillary Clinton.

However, its presence as a key element of the personal brand would now be touching its end.

La nueva hornada de políticas emergentes en Estados ORnidos ha enterrado el power dressing y son la muestra más visible de cómo ha cambiado la relación entre marca personal y ropa.The policies have declared the "Independence of the pants, the pearls and other clichés of the political uniform", as explained by an analyst and collected Smoda in an analysis.They dress in a much more diverse and different way.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the American political star of recent months, is the clearest sample.And yes, among the pieces of clothing that have already dressed these policies is the leather jacket.

Why the CEOs wear leather jacket

And, returning to what they tell in Fortune, with leather jacket Mary Barr, CEO of General Motors, before the US Congress to defend his company (a look at light years of the boring jacket suit he wore in his speech MarkZuckerberg...who also broke with his personal brand).Bar had also avoided the Power Suit in presentations, interviews and meetings with the business elite.In Davos, he wore a leather jacket and, even more subversive, it was pink.

Bar is not the only directive of high -level companies that have dressed the garments.The CEOs of IBM, Kohl's or the Nasdaq have also done so.Why have they done it?In Fortune they remember that the change of costumes is closely linked to the general change in fashion in the business world (the Business Watermage Fund is increasingly casual) but also what the jacket implies.

With her, the directives are sending the world a message that is, they point out, "unusually complex".The fashion analysts with those who have spoken from the American magazine talk about how the garment is subversive, but it also makes them strong and that they remain professionals.

It is, in a way, a way to conquer its own space, positioning themselves as they themselves in an environment that, as fashion had been positioning, continued using male codes.

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