With the beginning of the year begins one of the favorite seasons of many people: summer. And it is precisely on these days with high solar radiation that adequate protection against it must be taken as a priority. In this way, the risk factor for developing skin cancer can be reduced.

This is due to the fact that since the exposure to Ultraviolet Rays (UV) begins, the skin records the aggression, for which it is said that the skin “has a cumulative memory of radiation”; that is, the more radiation, the greater the probability of developing skin cancer. Well, 80% of cases of skin cancer are due to cumulative overexposure to ultraviolet rays without protection.

In Peru, the incidence of skin cancer has been increasing at an alarming rate. According to the latest report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Globocan, each year there are about 1,300 new cases of melanoma, the most aggressive and deadly type of skin cancer that causes the death of 364 Peruvians.

In this sense, it is urgent to raise awareness and invite more people to enjoy the summer with protection. For this reason, the League Against Cancer, in its preventive work, recommends 6 good practices to protect your skin this summer:

Urban looks with Sperry – Diario UNO

Avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. m. and 3 p.m. m

It is during these hours that the radiation is most intense. Try to seek shade at all times.

Use sunscreen

Inside or outside the home, we must use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (for UVA and UVB rays) daily, with a protection factor (SPF) of no less than 30. It is important to keep in mind that we must apply it every 2 hours and more frequently if we perspire, bathe or dry our skin.

Wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection

These become an essential piece for our protection, since the eyes could suffer severe damage such as burns to the corneas, cancer of the eyelids and cataracts in the case of older adults.

Wear appropriate protective clothing

Our attire should be fresh and in dark colors and protecting most of the skin. When wearing hats, they must be wide-brimmed for adequate protection.


Consume food, fruits, vegetables and drinks. It is advisable to eat those that contain high water content, vitamin C, Beta carotene, minerals such as zinc, omega 3 oils and B complex vitamins.

Get preventive cancer checkups

The recommended frequency is once a year, as these are key to preventing skin cancer. Remember that if diagnosed early, it is a curable disease.

Finally, it is important to always be alert to any change or appearance of suspicious moles and/or spots. If that were the case, go to a specialized center to rule out skin cancer or diagnose it early and thus combat this disease.


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