En plena fiebre del oro, hubo otros avispados hombres de negocios que visionaron otro tipo de mina más allá del metal precioso. Tras la muerte de su padre a causa de la tuberculosis, un joven judío bávaro llamado Levi Strauss emigró con parte de su familia desde Alemania a Nueva York donde empezaron a trabajar en el negocio textil que poseían sus dos hermanos mayores. En 1829, con 18 años, ya estaba al frente de un negocio.Levi Strauss, la historia del joven judío bávaro que se hizo millonario con los vaqueros creando ropa para trabajadores Levi Strauss, la historia del joven judío bávaro que se hizo millonario con los vaqueros creando ropa para trabajadores

Consciente de que en la costa oeste se estaban abriendo nuevas oportunidades abrió una sucursal del negocio de sus hermanos que renombró como Levi Strauss & Co.With the canvas fabrics he had started selling tents in order to make life more comfortable to the miners, but they preferred to sleep watching the stars, so he gave new use to those fabrics since gold seekersThey needed much more resistant pants.He dressed them with browns that would soon suffer a qualitative and quantitative revolution.

Over the years he received a letter from one of his tailors, Jacob Davis, who had started using resistant cotton fabrics that bought him in the preparation of pants.Apparently, one of his buyers was a lumberjack who needed more durable garments, so it occurred to him to put copper rivets at the key voltage points.But Davis did not know how to create a sales network and proposed to associate with Strauss, so they got the patent in 1873 to make the already popular jeans.

Levi Strauss, la historia del joven judío bávaro que se hizo millonario con los vaqueros creando ropa para trabajadores

Gold search engines were very satisfied with the durability of garments as it allowed them to work perfectly in adverse conditions.Little by little, what had been created as a work garment began to popularize among farmers, farmers, jeans...Hence your name in Spanish?Well, the truth is that in this commercialization process there are several theories according to historians.On the one hand, it seems that the word 'Jean' originated following the fabrics that Genoa fishermen or genes dyed with an Indian pigment called IndigThe word denim would.There ships and pants were manufactured for high -resistance sailors baptized as Sarge de Nimes.

Levi Strauss had the money and vision to create a lucrative business that currently looks from Reyes as Felipe VI to former presidents such as George Bush and numerous celebrities from different disciplines such as Madonna, Rafa Nadal, Sandra Bullock, Mick Jagger orNati Abascal, who has managed with his peculiar style to wear this simple garment with a white shirt as if it were a luxury article.

Levi Strauss's business success made him a billionaire and also a remarkable patron to keep the Jewish legacy in California.Do not forget that Hollywood foundations were created with the effort of all those European emigrants wanting to offer a better world.The emblematic red logo of the house emerged in 1892 and is still used.At his death in 1902, Levi Strauss left much of his considerable fortune of six million dollars to his four nephews and the rest was divided among other relatives and donations to different entities.

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