Por Paloma López. 13 agosto 2021

Within the world of cocktails and distillates, each person has their own tastes and versions.There are those who like sweet and fruity drinks, those who prefer sophisticated preparation or those who directly choose to mix with a gasified soda.However, over the years, there has been a combined that has gained great weight and that has been perfected to such an extent that preparing it has become a ritual and an almost mandatory drink at parties and nights with friends.

We talk about the Gin Tonic, the citrus and bitter drink that has conquered the palate of more than one, especially in the terraces and bars of the summer days.In this article we are going to teach you how to do a gin tonic with pepper.Follow the recipe and enjoy!

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También te puede interesar: Cómo hacer un gin tonic de frutos rojos
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This famous cocktail, in its origin, is much easier than you could imagine.Just mixing the gin and the tonic could be enough.However, at this last time, the best baristas have been specializing the technique to be able to find the best flavor and aroma.It is at this point that they realized that pepper was one of the best allies to combine this bitter and stimulating drink.Next to this, another of the points that could not be overlooked was the temperature at the time of drinking it.That is why, the first thing we must do to prepare our gin tonic recipe with pepper.


Cómo hacer un gin tonic con pimienta - Fácil y delicioso

Then you have to add the gin with the timely measure so that the flavor does not alter and it is not very strong or too water.For that, it is recommended to put a measure of about 7 ml for each cup.This measure can be better controlled with a cocktail meter with the already integrated measures, which you can find in any place specialized in hospitality or kitchen and that can determine how the cocktail will be.


After adding the gin, and letting it cool, we must add the tonic to cover the remaining cup.This step is also important since, if we throw the drink very fast, the gas will be lost with the crash of the cold and the ice.On the contrary, we must add the tonic slowly and falling on the sides of the glass so that it is integrated with the ice and alcohol.

Here you can read about what is the best tonic for the Gin Tonic.


After having achieved the basic mixture, it will be time to add the famous spice that will give you a special spicy touch.To do this, previously, you must have placed a handful to the taste of whole pepper in a mortar and, carefully, crush it a little so that, simply, the grain is fragmented and more flavor.With this result, we must add the amount that best suits our tastes in the cup and, delicately, spin it to integrate, but without losing the gas of the tonic.


With these simple steps, we would already have our gin tonic with pepper.However, this cocktail has ended up tending many derivatives and, currently, we can also add to our drink other complementary ingredients, such as cucumber, fresh rose petals, citronela, smell nail or even parsley.They all depend exclusively on your tastes and how you like the combination more.It is in your hand to play and experiment until you find the Gin Tonic that you like and become the best cocktail cheerle.

Now that you have discovered this gin tonic recipe with pepper.You may also be interested in knowing how to pair the Gin Tonic with this other article.

If you want to read more articles similar to how to do a gin tonic with pepper, we recommend that you enter our food and drink category.


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