2022 is here and, like every New Year, surely you feel like undertaking new goals or finishing those goals that you left pending in 2021.

To help you rock the next 12 months both at work and financially and personally, here are some tips based on horoscope predictions.

Should you ask for a raise? Has the time come to strengthen your networking? Should you invest in cryptocurrencies? Maybe what you need is to start from scratch? All your doubts about it will be resolved. You just have to look for your zodiac sign and do a reading (or 2, or 3) very thoroughly.

Even if you don't believe in horoscopes, astrology, or the zodiac, you're still encouraged to read these tips. Leaving aside the most mystical essence of the article, implementing these recommendations will help you develop a positive mindset that, in turn, will catapult you to achieve your dreams.

In this sense, each zodiac sign, in addition to the usual recommendations and predictions, includes goals for 2022 and a mantra. When you feel stuck or blocked during these months, reread the goals and repeat this mantra (in writing or out loud) to regain energy. Even if you don't end up with the strength to get going, you'll feel better, and that's the important thing!

As a final recommendation, remember that, although the beginning of a year is a good excuse to undertake new goals, do not wait for 2023 to move on in case something goes wrong. Any moment, minute or second can become your symbolic New Year for you to get up and start again.

Note: The predictions have been extracted from various specialized articles such as those of Elle, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good and CBC.

Aries (March 21 to April 20)


Objectives for 2022: Get out of the comfort zone, explore new career paths

Positive mantra: I attract abundance

You start this New Year with renewed strength and with a motivation that you did not expect at all. In the professional or personal development field, this positive energy will push you to make the changes you longed for (such as, for example, making that transition within your company that you were afraid to start).

The big question over the next few months is whether you will be able to maintain this optimism and even force it when things will surely not turn out as you expected. It will be important that you cultivate patience and discipline, because the changes you want will only occur in the long term and after a period of effort.

In this sense, the first 5-6 months of 2022 will be tough and will put that motivation to the test. But if you remain consistent, you will see that your plans begin to bear fruit in the second half of the year.

A good strategy is to take small but sure steps; make even a little progress each day and take pride in your progress. When in doubt about how to proceed, it is better to stop, analyze the situation, consult with friends and mentors... before you want to act rashly.

For more practical purposes, don't forget to recycle your skills and update yourself as a professional. If in 2021 you left networking behind, bet on it this year. In this way you will multiply your chances of success.

Taurus (April 21 to May 20)


Goals for 2022: Embrace change, discover your purpose and/or passion

Positive mantra: I take pride in my personal progress

A total lunar eclipse will take place in mid-May. These phenomena usually bring with them great personal transformations that, on many occasions, are unpredictable and have nothing to do with what you had planned. The good news is that you have the first few months of 2022 to mentally prepare for this change on an epic scale.

It will be very important that you prepare your mind to be more receptive to this unexpected transformation because you will discover that precisely in May it will be very difficult for you to leave your comfort zone; it is about your ego, which does not feel like being carried away by the flow of the present.

If you accept that life doesn't always go according to plan, your opportunities for professional and personal success will multiply from mid-year onwards. New people and contacts will appear that will guide you during this new stage.

Due precisely to these twists of fate, from May to November you will have to rediscover yourself. You will realize that what motivated you no longer attracts you so much, and that the plans you devised at the end of 2021 are distant and have nothing to do with your new self.

Think of this period as a "chrysalis" time. You are evolving towards a new you that will end up emerging, like a butterfly, towards the end of 2022. It will be then when you will take the helm of your life again, and you will be able to turn it towards unexplored horizons.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)


Goals for 2022: Establish authority, open pathways

Positive mantra: I make decisions that are in my best interests

Time to get your act together, Gemini! From the beginning of the year until May 10, the alignment with Jupiter will fill you with tremendous ambition. This comes at the best time, since surely you have been wanting to opt for a new position where leadership and management are key. If you take this goal seriously, you will notice that successes will be the order of the day.

From May to October 28, Jupiter's influence will weaken. Don't interpret this "emotional slump" as the end of the new you. The time will come to abandon the focus, to stop being the center of attention, and analyze in a protected background what has gone well, what has gone wrong and how you can improve the situation.

It is very possible that during this season of retrospection you will discover that your initial objectives were not entirely correct, or that there are other areas or projects that you want to explore. Nothing happens: these months is your period of analysis and change of direction.

Horoscope 2022: predictions and tips to be a hit in the professional and labor according to your zodiac sign

If you give yourself this time to find new paths, the renewed energy that will come to you at the end of 2022 will help you achieve goals faster than expected. It's the power of planning and anticipation! Take advantage of this motivation because it will follow you well into 2023.

It's still too early to figure out what 2023 has in store for you, but nothing can happen if you learn the lesson of these next 12 months: learning when to execute your leadership ambitions and when to stop to redirect them.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)


Goals for 2022: Prioritize your well-being, explore new passions

Positive mantra: I fight for my well-being

You may have many professional or personal goals for this 2022, Cancer. If so, you will not like to know that, before all these goals, you must prioritize another: taking care of your health, both physical and mental. You may see it as nonsense, but prioritizing your well-being will help you improve your productivity in the long run.

A good strategy in this sense is to discover or recover your personal passions, especially if they are linked to your personal development. Do you have a hobby that can become a side job that generates income? Are there courses that attract your attention and that could also enhance your skills? Forward! Dare to experiment.

In parallel, get in shape. If you have an exercise routine, stick to it because you're doing great. And if you haven't moved your body for a while, consider starting to run, joining a gym, or just walking a little each day. In the short term you will get tired, but in the long term you will generate energy and motivation for new goals.

In this sense, long-term planning is going to be key for 2022. Find a way to turn your ideas into income, divide your ambitions into small goals and get going as soon as possible. If you have taken care of your health in all areas, you will notice that it will cost you very little to get going.

If you have never dared to invest, you will be at the best time to enter this world. Find out the first steps in this regard, what newbie mistakes you can avoid... and why not take a look at the cryptocurrency sector now that it is so on the rise?

Leo (July 23 to August 23)


Goals for 2022: Define relationships, grow and share knowledge

Positive mantra: Brilliance in the professional field

Strengthening consolidated relationships or forging new alliances is the key for you to have a prosperous 2022 in all possible areas. This serves both in love and in social relationships as well as at work.

Your big challenge in this regard will be to commit to your relationships, no matter if they are old or new. Leos are free spirits who need space to feel that they can explore all kinds of horizons without constriction. So it is possible that you find it difficult to maintain close relationships because you fear that they will curtail your freedom.

If you follow your instinct and let yourself be carried away by what you feel, you will discover that contacts, far from "enslaving you", help you expand that feeling of freedom. Some people will encourage you to continue exploring at your own pace. Others will offer you tools or new ways of thinking that you had not considered.

This distrust of others will be on the rise from the beginning of the year until approximately May 10. Tame that emotion and you will see that, by mid-2022, you will have more wild energy than ever thanks to the help of others.

Possibly, by the end of the year you will feel like sharing your experiences, due to the amount of motivation that flows through your veins. Have you considered becoming an influencer, for example? Or honing your public speaking skills? Consider these possibilities to expand before 2023 arrives.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)

Goals for 2022: Enjoy the deepest connections, spread your essence

Positive mantra: When it comes to my relationships, I choose quality over quantity

The influence of Jupiter in your sign will have special force in the world of relationships during this 2022. For practical purposes, it will be your time to connect deeply with those people who nurture you. That especially includes people who are physically far away; Trust long-distance relationships and you will get more than one pleasant surprise.

The rush of today's society does not help to consolidate quality relationships, so do not worry if at first you have problems, both internal and external. There will be dead ends, false positives... It's okay, at all times remember your positive mantra and all the benefits of connecting physically and spiritually with other people.

At work level, at first you will not see sense in prioritizing relationships; until August 20 you will notice that you are in a professional rut, a kind of Groundhog Day with no apparent progress.

However, at the end of 2022 there will be a positive career change: an expected promotion, new tasks that require networking... At that point, all your previous efforts will make sense and you will find yourself more than ready to face these challenges . After all, you will be in very good company.

As for economics and finance, pay attention to what these new relationships tell you: NFTs, investments, cryptocurrencies, emerging businesses... Take note of everything they tell you, because you can find inspiration and ideas to multiply your money.

Libra (September 24 to October 23)


Goals for 2022: Find the job you are passionate about, establish positive routines

Positive mantra: I invest my energy wisely

2021 has been an arduous and difficult year, more than you expected. It is possible that circumstances have forced you in recent months to sacrifice what you like to solve personal, economic problems...

It's okay: 2022 is your moment. 12 wonderful months await you where, if you want and want it, you can spend time thinking about what you would like to do at work and get down to work with it. The answer may not come instantly, but you will enjoy the path you take and you will be surprised by the results.

A good way to find your dream job is to embrace the power of routine. Due to the sacrifices made in 2021, you have surely developed a certain antipathy towards discipline or habits. You want the uncertainty because you think it will give you the freedom you crave.

Rely on structure, planning and analysis. Living on the run will only make you go around in a circle or get involved in projects that will not really nurture you. The beginning will be difficult and you will surely feel like giving up, but if you take it seriously you will achieve your goals in record time.

Technology is your ally if you want to develop discipline. Tools like Slack, Trello or Notion will help you monitor your work progress. Meanwhile, the always eternal Excel will give you a hand with personal and home finances. In this sense, saving will be key to face the economic unforeseen events that will come at the end of the year.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)


Goals for 2022: Define your personal path, redefine your relationships

Positive mantra: I turn challenges into opportunities

The sign of Scorpio has not fully felt the lunar influence for more than a decade. This ends in 2022. As a result, you will have more than a year of unusual energy: you will receive 18 months of motivation, since the Moon will accompany Scorpio well into 2023.

You will have a year and a half to enhance your natural talents, or discover them if you haven't thought about them for a while. Keep in mind that creating a new identity from scratch is not easy nor will it be a flash in the pan. Luckily, you have introspection and self-knowledge tools such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and even coaching or therapy in case you need professional help.

A good compass for figuring out if you're on the right track is to pay attention to how others will start to react to your changes. If you attract people who nurture and support you, keep going because you're doing great. But if people start to appear that sap your energy or wear you out, spend time redirecting your plans.

Precisely this search for a new you will inevitably alter your relationships. Some people will not like your plans and will move away. No problem. That means you will have time and energy to create new, more beneficial and inspiring relationships.

Also, deep exploration will eventually have positive effects on your profession. You will strengthen skills that you already had hand in hand, and you will find new areas where you shine with your own light and inspire others. Your best time to take courses is from May 10 to October 28; it is when you will be more open to the always useful knowledge.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)


Goals for 2022: Feel comfortable with your space and body, accept fame

Positive mantra: I learn and grow thanks to the love I give and receive

Since May 2020 you've been kind of in the background. This "disappearance" has been necessary for you to adapt to the many changes that have taken place in your life, in more ways than one!

However, the lunar influence that Sagittarius will receive from January 18 will put you in the spotlight sooner than you expected. This return to the fore will initially disorient you. Nothing happens: until May 10 you can prioritize rearranging your closest world (your personal space, your social circle), since you will have the help of Jupiter for this.

However, from mid-May through October 28, you better be ready to put yourself out there. If you don't do it voluntarily, life will do it for you. You will feel an attention and a fame that you had not savored for more than a decade.

So, until the middle of the year, work hard on your self-esteem, your security and your self-confidence to prevent this new fame from having negative effects. It is important that you accept your achievements, your successes and especially how the world chooses to see you.

At work, planning your goals and learning to delegate will help you conserve energy to process and feel that fame. By mid-2022, your efforts will be noticed, appreciated, and rewarded. You won't have time to enjoy so much positivity if you find yourself overworked.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)


Objectives for this 2022: Expand your network of contacts, find your rhythm

Positive mantra: I smash my goals and have time to have fun

Starting in February, Capricorn's alignment with Venus will boost your level of confidence and charisma. A few propitious months will begin to allow new relationships (love, social, professional...) to enter and to let you see more at work. If your networking skills are a little rusty, you'll get them back in no time.

Don't just focus on promising future contacts. In addition to expanding, 2022 is a good year to reconnect with family members or old friends that you haven't seen for a long time. It is very possible that you will discover that some of your most established relationships share your same ambitions or goals. Maybe you end up being travel companions, or podcast companions!

Your biggest challenge in expanding your network of contacts is precisely the typical fighting spirit of Capricorns. You tend to prioritize hard work and consider that there is no time for other "trifles" like chatting with your colleagues. Unconsciously, this way of thinking causes you stress and blocks you from opportunities, since you don't have allies.

So 2022 is also your year to relearn how to have fun. The world will not fall apart if you slow down your productivity a little and prioritize activities that are apparently less useful but that, in the long run, will help you recover energy, reconnect with the world, inspire you and, above all, rest.

Also, since you like a challenge, here's one: finding your own balance between work and play. Each person has their own rhythm, and no matter how many manuals exist in this regard, you will only find your ideal flow by getting down to work. Do you want to explore what is your best way to have fun and how many doses of fun do you need?

Aquarius (January 21 to February 18)


Goals for 2022: Create financial security, establish a new identity

Positive mantra: I surround myself with people who love and support me

Jupiter is, among other things, the planet of security. In the case of Aquarius, it will help you clarify your economic situation until June of this year. During these first 6 months, you will be able to take financial risks that until now you were afraid to even consider. For example, the time has come to ask for a raise to compensate for your great work as a professional during the past year.

If you feel dissatisfied at work, it is possible that this new financial abundance will unlock once you have decided to leave your comfort zone and start scanning job offers. Will it scare you? Of course! But in the long run you will win. And, in your case, it is better that you do not delay this decision.

Whether you want to ask for a raise, look for a job or talk to your partner to establish new economic networks, during 2022 your communication skills will be very useful to convince, persuade and even seduce (literally and symbolically).

If you get down to work as soon as possible, by mid-2022 you will have a financial safety net that will allow you to renew yourself in all the ways you want. Maybe you want to start your own business or found your startup. You may want to create a podcast or join social networks like Twitch or TikTok.

Your abilities will be boosted well into 2023, so don't be afraid your strength won't run out when you're halfway through your journey. Of course: if you do not learn to control your expenses, all your efforts could collapse once these months of economic prosperity have passed.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)


Objects of this 2022: start from scratch, create solid foundations

Positive mantra: I am at the top of my priorities

These last 2 years where you've been more in the background come to an end: 2022 will be your most powerful, stimulating and surprising year of the last decade you've lived. If you have been longing for renewal or wanting to undertake new goals, now is the time. Don't be afraid to start from scratch: life is a constant cycle of renewals.

Before you get down to business, keep in mind a few tips or tricks. For starters, don't be in a hurry. Thanks to the influence of Jupiter, you will have bursts of energy from January 1 to May 10, from May 13 to July 28 and from October 28 to December 20.

Take advantage of this first outbreak to formulate a good plan. Hold individual brainstorming sessions so as not to leave a wish unexplored or developed. Prioritize the goals that you can achieve in a year, that will have a huge positive effect on your life and that also motivate you so much that you want to start as soon as possible.

Another great tip is to put yourself out there. Get out there and reveal what your plans are. In this way you will discover fascinating people who will lend a hand, inspire you or even reveal a promising path that you have not considered until now.

The latter will help you especially in the workplace. Put pride aside, find a professional mentor and follow their warnings and advice to excel in your work. Also allow yourself to recycle in many ways: sign up for workshops, courses or study again if you consider it necessary. Start from scratch big time.

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