What motivated you to start a business project during your university career?

- Pablo Pérez (PP): I started entrepreneurship early during my studies. My main motivation has been to be able to apply my theoretical knowledge taught at the university to a project of my own that will help me grow professionally and personally. In addition, since I was very young I have always wanted to have my own company.

- Mario Puche (MP): In my case, I started university with the intention of continuing to grow as an entrepreneur and be able to diversify within my sector or even unknown sectors. I want to improve the functioning of my companies thanks to professional knowledge.

How can you combine all that this implies with the implicit work at the university?

- PP: The truth is that it is not such a difficult task as it seems. However, you must have well-rooted work and organization habits in your routine, since in times of increased workload, such as exam periods, you must make the most of your time. For me, one of the keys to being able to carry out all my tasks is to choose very well the way in which you spend your free time, since these are your moments of disconnection.

- MP: It is important that the subjects resemble your day-to-day so that it becomes more enjoyable. Of course, this does not happen in all cases. You cannot take a degree "à la carte", but it is important to try to find interest in the subject and try to relate it to your daily professional activity.

What have been the obstacles you have encountered to start?

- PP: The main obstacles have been being able to apply all my knowledge correctly and getting the market to need your product and service. The economic part also plays a very relevant role.

“El emprendimiento es una gran salida que permite dar solución a grandes problemas”

- MP: The greater the opportunity, the greater the risk. And by risk I do not speak of an economic risk but of time. In the end, time is the most valuable thing we have, and each person values ​​their time, so it is important to learn to value it and analyze the opportunity cost of a project.

Where do you want to go with this business adventure?

- PP: My vision is to be able to scale and replicate this business model in as many sectors as possible, since I believe that digitizing sectors is one of the greatest current competitive advantages that a company can count on.

- MP: My sector has always been leisure, but today it is not what I am spending most of my time on. I have managed to professionalize them and they are able to support themselves thanks to a good hierarchical structure, and above all an incredible team. This has left me room to dedicate my time to teaching at the IMEP, to be able to give lectures at the national level, travel more to broaden my sights, and above all, to diversify into other types of sectors. Currently, in addition to the leisure sector, I work in the distribution sector, digital marketing and product development, experiencing tremendous growth and with expectations of being able to go as far as I am allowed.

To what extent has what you learned during your degree helped you to launch the project?

-PP: The theoretical knowledge on the different subjects has been of great help to me. However, as a personal piece of advice, I would encourage my colleagues to start undertakings as soon as possible because it is the only way I know of being able to grow professionally and apply the knowledge acquired.

-MP: I think it is important to emphasize to students the importance of learning from failure. That said, and thanks to my training at CEU, I have learned to put a name to everything that experience had taught me and I have been able to grow a lot in all my businesses. A company can die of failure as well as of success and I, being so young, did not know how to manage such exponential growth. To this I would highlight the attention of the CEU professors who have selflessly helped me at all times and thanks to whom I have been able to continue growing.

Some time ago the term entrepreneurship became fashionable, and it seems consolidated. Do you think it is a professional opportunity for university students?

- PP: In the past, entrepreneurship began to be seen as a fad. There were many profiles that called themselves entrepreneurs, although a large majority of them did not bring their projects to life. Currently, entrepreneurship is a great opportunity that allows you to solve major existential problems and thus have a job opportunity when you finish your university studies.

- MP: Entrepreneurs are needed, but entrepreneurs who have things clear and, above all, who do things well. You can work for a few years until you are clear about what you want to undertake, in what way and with what structure.

In your opinion, what requirements, conditions and/or aptitudes should an entrepreneur have?

- PP: In my humble opinion, an entrepreneur must be an optimistic, calm person, with a lot of patience and above all with a great capacity for work.

- MP: Constancy, resilience, knowing how to be, vision, and humanity.

Lastly, what would you advise your fellow university students who are starting their degree or who are already studying it?

- PP: My only advice is to tell you that nothing is impossible, never give up. There is no magic potion for success, there is only hard work and dedication, so I encourage you to give free rein to your imagination.

- MP: I would recommend that you be patient. That they do not undertake something that they are not excited about or that has no future, not even in their minds. That they think big by setting goals, but until they reach the goal, they cross small goals. That they value the training they have acquired and know how to appreciate it in their day to day when they experiment. If they are able to put a name to these experiences, all their training will have served them well.

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