Two years later he publishes the second part of a novel that had a great reception among his readers.
Is this book a continuation of "the last bullet"?
It is exactly a continuation of the other book "The Last Bala".This novel deals with the actions, strength and power that drug trafficking has, financial operations, who is the one who sends in that world right now because those who handle cash are these types of people are.
According to what you say, can you say that there is a parallel world that is not seen?
Of course it exists.But that real, parallel world, that we try to hide and believe that not that this world in which we live is the wonderful, easy and ideal that make us believe when we live.When the reality is that we live in a special parallel world and, above all, where the man or the will of the normal human being has no order.
However, there is no talk of this type of people who have so much money that would need generations to spend it?
That is one of the big problems, wanting to hoard more, having more.It's never enough.That is the big problem that occurs in these things drug trafficking loses meaning, only in taking things to gain in charge and breathe in another way.That is or that in the end and I end it is always in what ends with men and with these factual powers.
Is this situation common in many latitudes of the world?
Exact.The crime is taken into account, the crime that seems that it only exists in Latin America when this occurs throughout the world.Simply in South America, it is not so because until the last dollar charged for the raw material in the United States returns to any South American country, nothing is left in the United States.That is what he does not think that this is the end.Facing the street, face people it is very difficult.
In a discreet way, I imagine?
Yes.Of course they are professionals and have all the power in their hands to end up with you or to shut up, especially to shut up, because what bothers them is that they talk as they manage to handle those amounts of money.You have a problem if you have to bleach five thousand dollars but if you have whitish fifty million you will not have any problem the same bank will make you charging you 20 percent and they will put it into account swearing and certifying that this money is cleanwith which you can already travel anywhere in the world on the classic roads and roads..You can move the money because it's clean money.You have to know that the problem to bleach the money is the one who has little.
Do I understand what is a matter of state?
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Everything works in the same way.The states protect the offender because in the end they are their partners.If I shut up money money.And if I charge money, nothing happens to some extent.Until the press enters and tells what is happening then they can no longer stop it to the public opinion that comes over them- the most corrupt and most paid state for maintaining the business cannot do it because they fall as the sticks of the shadow-As soon as the truth is told about what is happening, it cannot be stopped because after all they are caught in a business that annoy their other business that is politics
It is a current book, has it been easy to write it?
It is very complicated because it has very actuality things.It tells how they move, how they work in the different parts of the world, such as Singapore, Honk Kong, Arab countries, Morocco.How all this money moves and how it is bleaching is complicated because names are current names in which many of them exist, others changed, but others are the real ones of people who are in charge of these businesses.And above all the names of the financial levels.In all these places it has been seen, it has been and has been taken pulse.
Are you afraid to get this book and the previous one?
Light man.I have had many problems and many threats.As soon as you try to do something out of the rules and the bases.
What do you tell in the book is real?
The facts and characters that are broken down into the book are real, however reading the book will seem fictional for how incredible.The financial movements and actions that the book story are all true: traps, deceptions, scams and economic survival is our day to day, that we could cross out of white glove crime, it refers to both million -dollar individuals, and to large capos of theinternational crime or corrupt governments.
You comment at the beginning of the book that there are two paths that are to look.
That is when my alter ego in this novel, a character that represents me in the book.In the digital age that seems that it has been the great scope, a lot of markets have been loaded, such as the journalistic, such as books everything that is press seems to be free, so the salaries paid for themThey are tiny and is in businesses that move unimaginable amounts of money.In the end before or later you end up advising, knowing people, as happened to Corbin that, they are people who would not invite the wedding of your daughter, we call them the bad but without those bad ones we could not live in the first world thanks to those alos and tothat there is an enemy can live the current first world society.
The bad concept.Is it a relative concept?Can it be good?
That is what makes us doubt about this book or in the previous one makes us doubt who are the good or who are the bad.If the bad is the Lord who carries the AK-47 or many times the bad is the Lord of the tie, the financial one, the Lord who works for international banking.
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