by Walter Mercado
ORDER REPRINT→Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues her legacy by writing horoscopes.
Numerology, used as a means of divination to find a meaning or significance to numbers due to their intrinsic energy, dictates that 2022 is a special year. Composed of triple twos: 2+0+2+2, it has very peculiar characteristics.
The number 2 by itself brings balance, togetherness, cooperation, but it also brings anxiety, depression and lack of confidence. The 2 is of the water element, which is the element of the Cancer sign. The moon represents it. It is full of sentimentality, changing emotions, its sense of protection is highlighted. The theme of home and family is very important. What does the result mean when we add 2+2+2=6?
2022 is a year ruled by the number 6.
Those triple twos in the equation are emphasized and stand out even more. Its power is multiplied. The number 6 in numerology highlights an introverted character. We will be more concerned about the well-being of ourselves, in our mental and emotional stability to be able to help others. The number 6 is associated with loyalty and solidarity, also with extremist and controlling people. It happens to be a year of the earth element as are the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Ruled by the planet Venus, which rules the sign of Taurus and also that of Libra. These signs are the most influenced this year 2022 as they will dedicate themselves to enjoying their home and family more. Many buy their dream home, others join in marriage or a permanent relationship. If there is a separation, it will be definitive, irreconcilable to bring peace, harmony and happiness to each one separately. In the year 2022 the unions will be in order to grow together, love each other, respect each other and protect the home they form with love, peace and harmony.
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The Chinese New Year begins on February 1, 2022. It is represented by the Water Tiger, a beautiful, dangerous and highly feared beast, a symbol of courage and power since it possesses Yang energy. According to Chinese astrology, 2022 will be a year of the water element, coinciding with the meaning of the number 2 in numerology. A period where the world becomes more humanized. We protect each other. Work will continue to eliminate, eradicate abusive, unequal and separatist regimes or beliefs.
Those born in 1962 and 2022 are Water Tigers.
Those born in the years 1926 and 1986 are Fire Tigers.
Those born in the years 1938 and 1998 are Earth Tigers.
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#YourLocalNewsThose born in the 1950s and 2010s are Metal Tigers.
Those born in the year 1974 are Wood Tigers.
2021 was a year of overcoming great obstacles, of fighting hidden or silent enemies, and this includes fears, traumas, and toxic attachments. COVID 19 and its variants still limit freedom, but we have learned to live and adapt to the changes that this battle has brought. We unite to overcome what we believe to be unfair, abusive, to defend rights and to do justice. The infrastructure issues of our countries, cybernetic security, space advances, war conflicts supported by technological and biological sciences, which continue to evolve by leaps and bounds, are emphasized.
Young people are inclined to take more care of the planet, to free themselves from limiting religious beliefs that separate, segregate and reject their peers. Work will continue in favor of the acceptance and recognition of races, sexual and cultural preferences. The year 2022 is to practice peace and love, justice and equality.
Signs most touched under the planetary influence in the year 2022 will be Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Yang energy is a very powerful one. It is highlighted by masculine characteristics, activities and lighting. It is a year of much expression, movements, important actions and great changes that must be achieved for a better future. People in general will fight for a better economy and social level. Living in a minimalist way, with the essentials without wasting money on articles and luxuries is part of this progress, of this new, more practical awareness. It is better to buy little, but of quality, than to buy a lot but that does not last or go out of style. Savings are required.
The colors that will bring a lot of luck to the Tigers and that those of us who are not tigers can also use to raise our energy are: red, orange, blue, green and white.
The stones that will bring us luck: emerald, jade, pink quartz, tourmaline, and can not miss the cat's eye and the tiger's eye.
The essential oil to calm down and clarify the mind is Pacholí oil.
Aries is fire, it has Yang energy, it marks the first sign of the zodiac. Your career and successes begin to flourish again from January 19 when the planet Venus changes its movement to direct in the sign of Capricorn. If you are looking for love and more income, everything will be related to your work. It is important that you leave pessimism behind and start the year 2022 with a lot of optimism and hope. You will be much more selective when choosing your friends or entering social groups. You have learned that toxic people should be avoided. Jupiter, behind you until the end of 2022, is perfect for making your dreams come true, not fearing progress and the opportunities that arise to shine and stand out in what you love to do. You sign a very important contract in 2022 which guarantees you to start the following year 2023 with success. Saturn further reinforces this whole trend of progress, since you have clearer personal and professional goals and objectives. For the months of June through October, avoid excessive spending. The purchase of a house, car, investments, can wait for after October 23. Uranus will favor your finances, but certain planetary aspects warn you to proceed with great caution during certain periods of 2022. The four eclipses that occur this year are part of these periods of caution since they greatly influence your house of money.
Your lucky number in this 2022 is 7 and all its combinations. 34, 43, 16, 52, 25. Every business meeting, agreement you make during this new year is serious. It is important that you pay close attention to it as it equals higher income for you. Uranus, direct, makes expected or owed money come to you. You make money without much effort. Money to evolve economically will not be lacking in 2022.
Your ruling planet is Mars and it drives you to overcome physical and emotional ills. Many control the urge to finish quickly. You will think twice about your actions before carrying them out. 2022 is a year to take care of your health at all costs.
The planetary energy during this 2022 is kind to you. You meet people who meet the requirements of your ideal partner. Remember that 2022 is a year to cultivate, care for and grow what we have planted or started in 2021. If you are united, communication with your partner becomes more fluid, harmonious and honest. Your lucky flower is the geranium in all its colors. Your lucky stone is the diamond.
Tarot Card 2022
Death: It means big changes, drastic and essential for your well-being. If you continue with the same patterns or behaviors, you will continue to get the same results that make you unhappy. Death tells you that you have to start a new cycle from scratch, a new chapter in your life, burying the negative and living positively.
Wake up, Taurus, act and move. Keep moving forward in your goals that nothing happens by magic. This is the call for you in this year 2022. Uranus in your sign leads you to fight for yourself and analyze all the options that are presented to you to improve your life condition. Venus, your ruler, also retrograde, integrates you in very different ways to new cultures, beliefs, challenges and unexpected trips abroad. You learn a lot from people very different from you. On many occasions I see you fighting alone. Your partner or partners, people who supported you, now each fight for their own interests. 2022 is a year of continuation in what we started, but it is also a year to love ourselves more and take care of ourselves. The energy of Jupiter has a very positive influence on all of the above. The paths to personal and economic stability expand for you. The solar eclipse on April 30 occurs in your sign, you will feel very interested in taking care of your personal image, how you look and how people perceive you. Your image is your letter of introduction for this year 2022. The lunar eclipse of May 16 occurs in your mansion of love, partner and associations. What has to be solved, talked about, reaching agreements, will be done. On October 25, a solar eclipse touches your relationships with your partner, partners or legal aspects again. What was discussed, spoke in May, now comes to light again and definitive actions or decisions will be taken.
Your strong, determined, fighter and ambitious character leads you to fight and defend your economic stability. Nothing to postpone, give up or give up in the face of any situation that leads you to lose money or make a bad business or investment. The planets and their aspects favor that your mind is awake, alert and that you can make good financial decisions. Money flows positively towards you in the year 2022. Your lucky number is 8 and its combinations: 17, 44, 26
As 2022 is a continuation year for the realization of your goals, you will be going through episodes of a lot of stress. The arts such as music, dance or painting distract you to the point of finding peace and harmony. You must disconnect from what takes you out of control by doing something pleasant, creative and beautiful. By doing this you will take care of your physical and emotional health.
Between Venus and the solar and lunar eclipses, a very entertaining year awaits you as far as love is concerned. Singles get together or share special moments with people from abroad or from other cultures. There is the possibility of a romance in the workplace. The united have to talk, improve communication for both and go after the fulfillment of the same objectives and goals. Only those love or professional relationships that look towards the same horizon will survive.
Tarot Card 2022
The World: Very positive card that announces success for you in this year 2022. Whatever happens, you will advance this year with strength, harmony, wisdom and prosperity. Your connection with the world, abroad and with people from different cultures will bring many opportunities for you.
You are the joy of the Zodiac. Versatile, cheerful and intelligent. You like to be well informed at all times. Your mind is like a sponge that absorbs everything. In this year 2022, communicating, saying, giving your opinion and making your voice heard will be your sign of distinction. All your talents will surface so you will like to explore and investigate everything. Your positive attitude will drive you to fight for what others consider difficult or impossible to achieve. In this year 2022 you will radiate light, wisdom, adventure, future and novelty. 2021 was a strong year for you, especially because you like to be in action, on the move, travel, discover new worlds and other cultures, and this was greatly affected by the pandemic. The lockdown, the lack of communication was not made for you. Now you receive the year 2022 with greater optimism, new hopes, new plans and projects. Uranus, retrograde at the beginning of the year, will lead you to fight harder to achieve your goals. It will not be easy for you, but you will achieve it. Venus, also retrograde at the beginning of January, in your eighth house, leads you to put your love life in order, as well as to work closely on all money matters. On January 29, Venus turns direct and you will be able to successfully handle those highly sensitive issues. Jupiter, the planet of luck, will come to your rescue in everything related to career or profession. You will receive recognition for your excellent work. Changing jobs, getting involved in a different career or new studies, is favored. The four eclipses of the year 2022 will add greater intensity to what may be happening in your life. Take advantage of these eclipses to change old behavior patterns that have somehow limited you in your life.
Your lucky number for 2022 is 9 and all its combinations, 18, 45, 27, 36. Every new job you get involved in promises excellent economic benefits. You will emerge from the quagmire of past years with greater strength and luck. Money flows back into your life. Mercury, your ruler, facilitates the power of your word, so everything related to communication such as radio, press and conferences will be very well aspected and promises to leave very good financial gains.
Mercury leads you to pay more attention to your mental health in the year 2022. It is necessary to take extra time for yourself, away from work pressures or duties. Fulfill your commitments, but don't forget to fulfill yourself first. It is important that you take care of yourself in mind and body. Rest is essential or mandatory, as well as distraction and getting involved in those things that give you peace and personal satisfaction.
After ups and downs in your sentimental world you stabilize. You will make your inner peace your priority. Who does not give you peace, has no place in your world. 2022 will be a year in which you will reconcile with yourself and you will begin to love yourself, to take care of your space as something sacred and you will not allow manipulative people to take you out of your center. You will look for in your partner companionship, friendship, compatibility and above all peace, tranquility. You will seek love in its purest form, loving with all your heart and receiving it in the same way.
Tarot Card 2022
The wheel of fortune: Excellent letter that will mark your next twelve months. Think big, Gemini. Although life has its ups and downs, its cycles, it follows its process, its evolution. Likewise, you will continue to progress in the year 2022.
The powerful energy of planets like Uranus, Saturn and Pluto have been giving you great experiences or lessons in recent years in all things family. 2022 is shaping up to be a year of a lot of movement, of trips and walks. You will do what you couldn't do in 2021 thanks to the pandemic and other family-related issues. You are of the water element and 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. You can open yourself to the opportunities that come your way and make positive changes for a better future. Lunar eclipses have a lot of effect on you. You will begin to feel its effects days or weeks before they occur. During these periods you will be very sensitive and you must practice prudence, especially in your work environment, with partners, friends and couples. In 2022 you lean towards good causes, to donate and collaborate for a better world.
Saturn has been confronting you with good money management, especially with partners and a partner. In the year 2022 continue your great lesson of knowing how to invest, save, defend or fight for the money that corresponds to you. This is teamwork. Many will deal with pensions, inheritances, retirement funds and other means of income that belong to you. Your lucky number is 1 and its combinations: 10, 37, 28
You need to take care of your weight and overall health. Part of your physical ills are caused by your mood. Pay attention to your stomach and breasts. Preventive exams are important. 2022 is an excellent year to continue disciplined with routines or treatments that help you feel and look good.
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The year 2022 is perfect for you to travel, visit new places or do local tourism. And what better way to do it accompanied by your partner or special person. These escapes or vacations will be very favorable for both of you. If you are single, go alone as good company will appear. Uranus will connect you with very fun people and will enhance your social life.
Tarot Card 2022
Justice: 2022 is a year of total recovery for you. Everything that was pending, disorganized or unbalanced is stabilized. In these twelve months you will work on your finances, legal matters or important documents and balance your love life. You will reach important agreements with your partner so that the relationship works. You need to be well sentimentally, in health and in finances.
You welcome the year 2022 with greater force and splendor than ever. The experiences lived in 2021 have strengthened you in all aspects of your life; love, health, money and faith. You will be one of those who take the initiative and like every King or Queen of the Zodiac that you are, you will dictate the path to follow. You will not give room in your life to boredom. You will immediately put your plans into action and these will include travel, both locally and abroad. Jupiter leads you to join forces with your partner and get involved in adventures, as well as in investment deals or buying and selling properties. It is important to keep in mind that Saturn, the planet that gives us lessons, could incline you to make mistakes or make hasty decisions that you could later regret, so it is advisable to seek legal advice before signing any document that compromises you. The eclipses of 2022 will bring you the unexpected. During them you will see that your life, in some way, is shaken so that you carry out changes in it, which in the long run will greatly benefit you, both personally and professionally. Do not stop your plans and continue to illuminate with your powerful rays both your path and that of those you love.
The year 2022 will be one of economic recovery for you, but it is necessary to be patient since not everything in relation to finances will come easily. You have to fight, overcome obstacles to get where you want to go, Leo. Saturn, the master planet, has made you grow in experience in terms of handling money, to apply what you have learned and avoid making those mistakes that put you in the past in a somewhat delicate economic situation. Your generosity towards others increases and those around you will benefit from your success.
Your emotional state will play a very important role in your physical recovery. Take advantage of the beginning of the new year to let go of all feelings of revenge, resentment or rancor that you have been storing in your heart. Free yourself from those mental chains that only serve to poison your spirit and tie you to a past that you cannot change. Headaches, back or leg pain are part of all the heavy load you are carrying. Get out of everything negative, live in the presence of love and you will enjoy good health.
Having fun, going out, traveling and meeting people from different cultures is on the agenda for you in this year 2022. Tying yourself sentimentally, if you haven't done so yet, will take second place in your life. If you are looking for a partner, it will require more effort on your part. Aquarius, Gemini or Sagittarius could be possible matches for you. You need someone who supports you, who is romantic, who captivates you but who does not compete with you since you like to be the one who commands and orders and in your kingdom only you reign, Leo.
Tarot Card 2022
The Sun: Congratulations because a perfect card has come out for you. Confirm that you will succeed in everything you set out to do. You overcome and overcome physical ills. You enjoy prosperity, abundance and happiness.
2022 is a year that will feed your being in many aspects. You are of the earth element and you need water and nutrients to feel good. Uranus opening the year encourages you to continue with what has already been started in 2021. Those ideas, projects, work or desired position are activated again in 2022. Many will start a new career or studies. You become even more interested in everything spiritual, the mystical, in the secrets that all creation hides and your faith is strengthened. You understand, comprehend and accept that everything occurs in complete Divine Order. Uranus continues to incline you to learn about other cultures, customs and lifestyles from faraway places. Your thirst for learning is heightened even more. Your knowledge and personal experiences expand. You distance yourself from people who do not know what they are talking about or commenting on.
Everything you lost or was missing in 2021 due to external causes such as the pandemic and business changes, you recover in a very safe and stable way. A new job or position is announced for you and this time it is with a large company with possibilities for advancement. Your lucky number is 3 and its combinations: 12, 21, 30
Mercury, your ruler, opens you to new options for your health care. You pay more attention to the topic of nutrition. You overcome intestinal problems, prostate or urethra.
Venus, retrograde or direct, leads you to become interested again in meeting the person you want as a partner. The search continues in this year 2022. You return to dates and casual encounters. This time with less demands and more flexibility. You enjoy seducing and sex more away from prejudices or taboos.
Tarot Card 2022
The Sun: Successes, achievements and good luck for you in the year 2022. This card is a very positive one as it signals a good year for the culmination of your personal achievements. I can see that you will be more positive, willing to make your dreams come true, to be free without feeling guilty, to travel and live life to the fullest. Good luck, Virgo.
Venus, your ruling planet, highlights in you the creativity that you will like to put into action in the year 2022. Your lucky number is 4 and its combinations, 31, 22, 13. As an air sign that you are, the arts in all their expressions will powerfully call your attention throughout the year 2022. You will overcome the restrictions that were imposed due to the pandemic and you will manage to make your life more pleasant and fun. The lesson is already learned and you will not let yourself be defeated by anything negative that may arise. At the beginning of the year 2022, with Venus and Capricorn retrograde, it is necessary to continue working on letting go of any feelings of anger or old grudges that you may be harboring. Do not feed negative thoughts. Seek help, if you consider it necessary, so that you can overcome fears and episodes of anxiety. The eclipses will touch your finances and those activities where you need to invest money or finance them. The year 2022 in general will bring surprises from which you will come out ahead thanks to your sense of justice and balance that leads you to put in order or overcome what does not make sense in your life. Music, painting, traveling or meditating will be sources of inspiration and delight in daily life.
Your house of money will be touched by two of the eclipses of 2022. The solar eclipse of April 30 will affect all activities related to money, such as investments, bets, loans or savings. Every transaction must be carefully analyzed. This in turn will give you the opportunity to catch up on debt and old income patterns that could be improved by a new economic system. The Lunar Eclipse of May 16 touches on finances related to the home, which will lead you to establish a budget where you feel more financially stable.
Neptune in Pisces in your house of health leads you to keep or swallow what bothers you so as not to offend others, and this attitude will be the one that will lead you to be under more stress than you already have. It is important that you talk, that you vent. Keep in mind that the mind is very powerful and directly affects our body. Many of your symptoms or health problems begin in the mind. Relax, take the time you need for everything. Take care, love yourself and value yourself, Libra.
2022 could be presented as a turbulent year in terms of your romantic relationships, but by the end of the year everything changes and you will once again enjoy the peace and harmony with your loved one that you seek so much in a relationship. It is good to have conflicts because through them we get to know the couple better. Yes, there are changes, but in your way of thinking, since you will feel very sure of yourself and of what you expect from your loved one. All deception will come to light and this being so, it will be for your benefit, to start a new life with someone loving and compatible.
Tarot Card 2022
The Empress: This card announces the birth, a new beginning or the arrival of something beautiful and beautiful in your life. She is the happy mother nature, full of love and glories that blesses you in this new year 2022. She symbolizes creation, fertility, beauty and love.
In 2022 you continue to face situations related to home and family. Mercury and Saturn together with Uranus continue to bring lessons, obstacles and legal situations to resolve and overcome. Eclipses further accentuate these trends, especially the solar eclipse on April 30. Truths are revealed, situations that will lead you to make important decisions. The lunar eclipse of May 16 occurs in your sign. Days before and after this event, you will take great care of yourself, of the image you project to the world, of how safe and confident you feel with yourself. 2022 is a year of overcoming, resolving, leaving behind, closing chapters in love, legal and family matters. The good news for you is that your social circle is expanding. You make new and important contacts that will help you climb a better job and therefore financial position. Your great mission in this year 2022 is to love yourself more. Take care of yourself, your emotional and physical stability. Neptune makes you more protective and loving with children or young people. You will share very beautiful moments full of love and peace with those who are important to you.
Money does not seem to be a matter of great concern this year 2022. Your main focus is on investing in a home, selling a property, managing your investments with the help of experts, and saving. You prepare yourself for a better future and to be able to help someone special to you when the time is right. Avoid associating with others to open businesses in this year 2022. Your lucky number is 5 and its combinations: 23, 32, 14, 41
The lunar eclipse that occurs in your sign on May 16 leads you to take great care of your physical health in general. But the most important thing is how you feel about yourself, how your self-esteem and your personal confidence are. Physical exercises as well as meditation do you very well. Read self-help books and be even more disciplined in your exercise routine and eat a balanced diet.
There is a lot of energy influencing love as well as partnerships. Very powerful planets continue to test your judgment in selecting a mate. “It is better to be alone than in bad company”, so they say. Uranus has made you live very strong times in this matter, it is up to you to make good decisions based on reason. If you are happily united with one person, this will continue and you will take even more care of your relationship so that love becomes stronger.
Tarot Card 2022
The Hanged Man: It is very likely that you will make some personal sacrifices to achieve your goals this year. You begin to see the world from another perspective, a more positive one. You discover that you have made a mistake and that it is better to think about the consequences before acting.
You are the archer of the Zodiac who conquers everyone with your joy and optimism. Always a fighter, daring and looking for new adventures. You love to travel and this 2022 is presented as a good year to do it now that we know more about the COVID 19 pandemic, and you will be more attentive to take better care of yourself when traveling. Your lucky number is 6 and all its combinations, 33, 42, 24, 51, 15. Jupiter, your ruler, expands your mind and pushes you to explore unknown lands. Adventure will be very present in your life. What is related to the law will also powerfully attract your attention, so launching yourself into a legal career will be of great benefit to you. Uranus, in a retrograde position as soon as the year begins, could create some inconveniences in terms of your work or profession, but it will be temporary. You already know how to deal with stressful situations and nothing will affect you like before. Go ahead with all travel plans. Money will come to you unexpectedly, which will help you enjoy your adventures quietly. Eclipses, both lunar and solar, will intensify your emotions and temporarily turn your mood upside down. Keep control over them, observe and learn from every experience.
In 2022 you will have better control of your finances since you will know how to invest, what to spend and how to save so as not to go out of your budget. Jupiter, your ruler in Pisces, illuminates your home sector so you will like to remodel, build or decorate it. You will feel motivated to make changes in your career or profession that will generate more income for you.
A good attitude towards life can do everything and you have that Sagittarius. Follow through with all exercise and diet plans. The experiences of recent years have taught us how important it is to enjoy good health, but above all to maintain it. Tú eres una persona muy activa pero también necesitas descanso y sobre todo asegurarte de dormir bien.
Te conviertes en el centro de atracción ya que tu vitalidad, entusiasmo y alegría atraerán a otros a tu lado. Tu buen sentido del humor será notable. Gustarás de organizar fiestas o reuniones en donde podrías encontrar el amor si estás en busca de pareja, así como también en todo viaje que emprendas. Las noches de Luna llena estarán saturadas de romance y no habrá eclipse que opaque tu pasión a la hora de amar.
Carta del Tarot 2022
El Emperador: Se abren las oportunidades para ayudar a hijos o personas más jóvenes de tu entorno. Serás un líder en este año 2022. Cuentas con autoridad, poder, seguridad y alta autoestima, Sagitario. Tomarás control de toda situación y la resolverás rápidamente.
El año 2022 es un periodo de sanación para ti. La energía planetaria de Saturno, Urano, Júpiter y Plutón, este último en tu signo desde el 2008, te inclinan a tomar la decisión de ser feliz. Para sanar y recuperarte, tanto física como emocionalmente, necesitas romper con patrones, hábitos y conductas tóxicas para ti. Uno puede ser adicto a personas, al drama ya la negatividad. Ponle fin al caos, al sufrimiento, a la escasez ya la inestabilidad. Concéntrate en lo positivo, en el amor propio, en la abundancia y crea momentos felices junto a personas que te aman y se aman. Crea un karma bueno. Tú sabes lo que te genera estrés, pues haz todo lo contrario. Todo lo que hagas, hazlo por tu bien. Los eclipses favorecen tu vida social y profesional. Ambos influyen positivamente en todo lo relacionado al romance, a la diversión, las artes e intereses personales. Serás selectivo y renuncias a personas negativas o tóxicas.
El año 2022 te abre a un mundo inmenso de oportunidades profesionales. Queda de ti sacarle el mejor provecho a las oportunidades que tengas. Es importante pensar en ti, con la mente bien clara y con la determinación de que la decisión que tomes es solo por tu bien, porque deseas ser feliz y estar estable en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Tu número de suerte es el 7 y sus combinaciones: 34, 43, 16, 25
2022 es tu año de sanación total. Ideal para hacerte tratamientos de belleza, cuidar la piel y la figura. Muchos superan malestares en las rodillas. Si te sientes feliz y en paz contigo mismo, si estás lleno de amor propio, tu belleza se resaltará aún más.
Capricornio es muy leal y tiende a aferrarse a amores tóxicos o imposibles esperando un final feliz. Ser leal es muy bueno, pero ser leal contigo mismo es mucho mejor. Cuidar tu corazón herido, sanarlo, recuperar para amar y ser correspondido como tu así lo mereces, es lo que te debe de importar en el año 2022. Si estás felizmente unido, se presentan cambios positivos para la pareja, viajes y aventuras juntos.
Carta del Tarot 2022
La Estrella: Excelente carta para Capricornio ya que indica esperanza, inspiración y sueños que se hacen realidad. Te anuncia un gran amor. Se crea una nueva unión con tu alma gemela. Queda de ti sanar tu corazón y enamorarte de quien de verdad te ama, respeta y cuida de ti.
Tu espíritu libre, amplio y seductor hace que todos te quieran, Acuario. Tú valoras tu independencia y quien se una a ti deberá respetar tu espacio. Tienes una manera de pensar muy abierta y una actitud positiva ante todo problema que pueda presentarse en tu camino por la vida. Tu número de suerte lo es el 8 y todas sus combinaciones 44, 35, 17, 26, 62. Saturno, en tu primera casa solar, te hace ser el centro de atención en donde quiera que te encuentres. Para los acuarianos que aman tanto la libertad, la pandemia les limitó grandemente sus planes, pero ahora regresas con más fuerza y dispuesto a recobrar el tiempo perdido en esos días de encierro. Te unirás con personas que gusten de viajar y envolverse en actividades relacionadas con la naturaleza. El 2022 será un año en donde te reinventarás y saldrás adelante no importa lo que se presente en tu camino. Renacerás a la vida y lucharás por aquello que es justo para ti. Disfrutarás de todo con mayor intensidad. Ábrete al cambio, sé flexible y verás como todo en tu vida irá cayendo en su lugar. Júpiter ilumina tu casa de las oportunidades y el dinero por lo que podrás disfrutar del mismo sin mayores inconvenientes, pero siempre velando de no caer en los excesos.
Júpiter lanza su energía positiva sobre tus finanzas por lo que el año 2022 promete ser un año de recuperación financiera, organización y planes futuros en donde pondrás a crecer tu dinero. Te recuperas de todo aquello que pudo afectarte en el año 2021. Encontrarás quien te critique por tu manera de gastar e invertir el mismo, pero tú estarás muy claro en dónde y cómo invertir tus ganancias. Te llegará dinero de fuentes inesperadas.
Deja ir de tu vida lo que no te deja beneficios tanto a nivel personal como económico. Limpia tu ambiente de personas tóxicas. Aprovecha la entrada del nuevo año y envuélvete en algún plan de salud preventivo. No esperes al último momento para cuidar de tu salud. Tu salud mental es primordial por lo que mantenerte activo y en compañía de personas positivas es imperativo en el 2022.
En el año 2022 se impone la comunicación positiva en tus relaciones, tanto de pareja como de familia. Ponte en contacto con tus seres queridos y exprésales tu amor. Por medio de tus relaciones familiares tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a alguien muy especial con quien comenzarás una relación estable y muy interesante, si es que te encuentras en busca de pareja. Demuestra tu amor con hechos y palabras. Cumple con lo prometido, Acuario.
Carta del Tarot 2022
El Hierofante: Tiempo de aprender, de educarte o de poner tus estudios y habilidades a trabajar para ti. Creces espiritualmente, Acuario. Mantén una conducta intachable. Actúa con ética y principios morales.
Regido por Neptuno eres un ser sensible, amoroso, sentimental, generoso y caritativo. Son muchas las cualidades que posees, Piscis. Tienes ese sexto sentido muy desarrollado por lo que puedes identificarte con el sentir de otros seres humanos. Tu número de suerte lo es el 9 y todas sus combinaciones, 18, 27, 45, 63, 36. Con Urano retrógrado apenas comenzando el año 2022, es aconsejable que tomes las cosas con calma hasta que se vuelva directo el 18 de enero. Júpiter, el planeta de la expansión, te satura de suerte en el nuevo año. Es tiempo de viajar, explorar, conocer de otras culturas y envolverte con gente interesante e inteligente que contribuirán a expandir tus horizontes. Nuevos estudios están en agenda ya que no te conformarás con lo ya adquirido y querrás ponerte al día con la nueva tecnología. Urano, el planeta de lo inesperado y lo sorpresivo, revolcará tu diario vivir y te llevará a explorar otras áreas de tu vida en las que has estado restringido por miedo al qué dirán. Los eclipses, tanto solares como lunares, pondrán mayor intensidad y dramatismo en tu vida. Cuida tu estado de ánimo, no te vayas a los extremos. Ten presente que esta energía de los eclipses es pasajera y que nos ayuda, desde el punto de vista positivo, a reconocer nuestros errores y comenzar nuevamente con mayor experiencia.
Júpiter, el planeta de la suerte, te asegura que no te faltará dinero. De alguna manera se te brindará la oportunidad de salir adelante y poder disfrutar de aquellas cosas de las cuales te has visto en posición de aplazar por falta de tiempo y dinero. Ahora todo fluye para que puedas adquirir aquello que siempre has deseado, pero con Venus retrógrado hasta el día 29 de enero, es importante que protejas tus cosas de valor.
Cuidar de tu salud es algo primordial para ti. Después de las experiencias vividas en años anteriores y la pandemia ya no dejarás para después tus citas médicas. El 2022 promete ser un año en que gozarás de buena salud pero siempre cuidando primero de tu bienestar mental. Se impone bajar el estrés, descansar, distraerte y porque no, viajar por placer.
Proposiciones de todo tipo llegan a tu vida, especialmente para mediados del mes de marzo. Estarás muy sensitivo por lo que se impone estudiar muy bien a toda persona que llegue a tu vida. Marte en Sagitario se ocupará de ponerle la chispa de pasión a tus relaciones amorosas. Serán muchos los que graviten hacia ti ya que tu encantadora personalidad embrujará a todos. Un posible matrimonio o unión formal está en agenda para el año 2022.
Carta del Tarot 2022
El Mago: Este 2022 es un año de riesgos para ti, Piscis. Tienes las puertas abiertas para conectarte, moverte y actuar para lograr tus objetivos financieros. Cuentas con mucho poder, concentración y astucia. Es la determinación lo que te llevará al éxito, pececito.
Y para finalizar…
Demos la bienvenida al año 2022 con una actitud positiva, venciendo el miedo y repartiendo amor. Sigamos adelante en bien de toda la humanidad y vivamos agradecidos. Cultivemos la fe, ya que sin fe somos como un barco a la deriva en el inmenso mar. La oración, la comunión con nuestros seres espirituales es esencial, pero, sobre todo, sacar tiempo para fortalecer los lazos familiares dando ¡mucho, mucho amor!
Esta historia fue publicada originalmente el28 de diciembre de 2021 7:39 am.
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