Hace décadas las microemprendedoras vendían sus productos de puerta en puerta, muchas a través de catálogos impresos. Pero hoy, con la explosión de las redes sociales y la digitalización de casi todas las actividades cotidianas, las mujeres venden y ofrecen sus productos a través de internet. Nenis, las mujeres que hicieron de las redes sociales su plataforma de negocios Nenis, las mujeres que hicieron de las redes sociales su plataforma de negocios

No es algo nuevo, sin embargo desde hace unos días en redes sociales se viralizó el concepto de las nenis, sobrenombre que se ha dado a estas mujeres a manera de burla, porque muchas de ellas se dirigen a sus clientas usando adjetivos como “nenas” o “hermosas”.

Según la academia de negocios para mujeres, Victoria 147, “las nenis son microemprendedoras, y son el mejor ejemplo para caracterizar los primeros pasos del emprendimiento: trabajan con sus propios recursos, algunas sin oficinas, ni establecimientos que puedan reflejar tan solo un poco de los esfuerzos que han puesto para seguir adelante”.

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Felipe Servín, CEO de Vendora, una de las plataformas que podría ser estandarte para las nenis, dijo a MILENIO que en este tipo de emprendimientos hay diferentes perfiles: “las que son emprendedoras y hacen su propio producto, como jabones o velas aromáticas, que tienen talento artesanal y crean pequeñas marcas, y también las que compran productos en mayoreo o en descuento y venden a precio retail a través de internet”.

Regardless of the profile, for Servín, the definition of Neni that must be defended and promoted is that of new Internet business entrepreneurs;"I love and should be promoted," says the founder of said Social Commerce platform that drives women entrepreneurs.

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Those who attack nenis, argue that these women do not pay taxes, although it should be noted that many do it when they sell their products via digital platforms such as Mercado Libre or Amazon.

They are also an important part of the Mexican economy.According to the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI), the roles and stereotypes for gender reason have placed women in sectors considered traditional, such as trade, both formal and informal.53.7 percent of women are dedicated to this activity compared to 35.5 of men.

Nenis, las mujeres que hicieron de las redes sociales su plataforma de negocios

Las nenis generan valor económico, muchas de ellas son amas de casa y realizan actividades no remuneradas domésticas y de cuidados, las cuales equivalen a 19.3 percent of the national GDP, according to the INEGI.The most recent figures at the end of 2019 indicate that this work has a value of 5 billion pesos.

No obstante, solo 41 percent de las mujeres se cree apta para iniciar un negocio frente al 50 por ciento de los hombres que se considera capaz de hacerlo, de acuerdo con un informe realizado por el Observatorio Estratégico de la Alianza del Pacífico (OEAP).

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This explains why in Mexico, 8.8 million women have a micronegocio compared to 12.7 million men, according to the National Occupation and Employment Survey published in January 2021.

De acuerdo con el Inegi al menos 1.3 millones de mujeres perdieron su trabajo en el país durante la pandemia por covid-19, lo cual ha favorecido a la proliferación de estas microemprendedoras que buscan sustentar o ayudar al sustento de sus familias.

In addition, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in the country the salary gap between men and women between 20 and 59 years of age who work 35 hours or more a week, in urban areas, is Of 6.2 percent.

Sin embargo, esta brecha puede incrementar hasta 22.8 por ciento si en el hogar hay por lo menos un niño de entre 0 y 5 años; cuando el infante es de entre 6 y 14 años la brecha se reduce a 21.1 percent.

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An extra income during pandemic

Cualquier producto en tendencia, desde accesorios, cosméticos, bisutería, ropa y zapatos está en el catálogo virtual de la joven de 26 años, Jessica Pineda Plaza, quien ha visto en las redes sociales un canal de venta y una oportunidad para trabajar desde casa y cuidar a sus dos pequeñas hijas.

Years ago, while participating as a fellow in the Young Program Building the future in Cuautla, Morelos, discovered that sales were an opportunity to earn an extra income. Así que decidió dejar su trabajo en una agencia de seguros para autos para seguir ganando dinero a través de la venta de productos en Facebook y WhatsApp.

Jessica had already sold Avon and Stanhome products before to solve small expenses at the house and support her husband, in addition to not depending on him, she says.Currently, 40 percent of household revenues come from the young woman's sales, although her income is variable unlike her husband who has a formal job.

"Now with the pandemic they have trimmed the income and my sales have helped to solve the daily expenses of the home," adds Jessica.

This microenterprofineer knows that the success of your business is in the good treatment of its customers."You have to encourage you to recommend, also give them a good commercial hook, for example, give away a mask for each referral," he says.

Pero también es importante no abrumarlos y ofrecerles cosas diferentes, además de conocer sus gustos e intereses y darle seguimiento a sus necesidades, explica Jessica.

The current economic crisis presents singularities that affected women more than men, not only because they are the ones who are most responsible for home and family care, but because occupied women are concentrated in sectors that are very affected, suchLike trade (21.6%), manufacturing (11.0%), tourism (9.2%) and domestic service (11.1%). De acuerdo con la Cepal,, los sectores de alto riesgo en la pérdida del empleo concentran alrededor del 56.9% of busy women.

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In the specific case of Mexico, the agency proposed a basic emergency income for affected women of $ 120 per month, since from its perspective the pandemic caused in the country a decline of ten years in the insertion of women in working life, passing the female participation rate of 44.5 percent in 2019 to 40.9 percent in 2020.

Convert the crisis into opportunity

In the middle of the pandemic, Sandra Alfaro Aguilar saw a business opportunity in the sale of concentrated sanitizer and internet antibacterial gel, products that, he says, are prepared with all quality standards and that respond to a current need for a current need.

So he decided to undertake his business as a distributor of these products and designed a logo and a concept for his company The House More Clean.

The sales channels that Sandra uses to contact your potential customers are a web page and a Facebook page with the same name.For the follow -up of its buyers, among which are companies and individuals, the tools they use are the email and WhatsApp.

For the delivery of its products, it is responsible for distributing at home, especially in municipalities near Tultitlán, where it lies.And with that support family income.

After a year, it already has recurring customers, however faces the challenge of the great competition of these products in the market, since like it, many people undertook a similar business, due to demand.

Internet breaks borders

Las ventas por internet le abrieron el mundo a Débora Pérez, quien, desde San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, hace colgantes de distintas figuras y bordados a mano, mismos que publica a través de Facebook y WhatsApp.

Deborah has a position in the center of his town, where he sells his crafts;However, as a result of the closure of the shops for the pandemia, they were told that for three months the premises should close, which is why she was encouraged to sell online.

Deborah customers must wait for 10 to 15 days plus shipping time to receive their order through Fedex and DHL, in the event that you must send them further use the Castor's parcel. A la fecha, los pedidos llegan a Ciudad de México, San José de los Cabos, Quintana Roo y Estados Unidos.

It also has a network of women who help her embroider, cut cloth and sew to deliver orders on time, her mother and four children help her to continue with the business.Orders go in shifts and prices range between 600 pesos..


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