The libraries that flourished in different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires during the pandemic show that it is still profitable to mount a place to the street in front of the options that are reproduced on the Internet. En barrios de la Zona Norte de CABA y de La Plata, libreras y libreros sostienen que las personas leen más que nunca y los libros venden.
The commitment to the territory
En mayo de 2021 abrió sus puertas Ramuna, una librería ubicada en Avenida del Carril y Helguera, Villa Pueyrredón (CABA). Tamara Riso, su creadora, advirtió que no había otro comercio del estilo en ese barrio, se asesoró con una librera amiga e invirtió unos u$s 3000 para comenzar el emprendimiento en un local de 16 metros.
"If nobody bets, nothing is going to happen: it's a wheel.As a bookseller my mission is to promote the sale of books, give rise to writers who are not so recognized. La literatura vende y la librería funciona", plantea Riso, quien durante la cuarentena se encontró leyendo más de lo usual y reconoció el valor de los libros como objeto simbólico y de intercambio con otras personas.
Therefore, riding Ramuna alone on the Internet was not an option, he acknowledges: "The online store works, but I thought the project out."In Ramuna, material from independent Argentine publishers and larger stamps are achieved, in addition to a selection of children's literature:" The neighbors look at the stained glass and are attracted to.Children's books, for example, have an incredible exit compared to the speech that children do not read, "says Riso.
Al mismo tiempo que Ramuna y a pocos kilómetros, en Parque Chas nació la librería Malatesta. Se trata de otro pequeño comercio creado por dos vecinos, Carime Morales y Juan Lescano: "La librería es sostenible y tiene espacio para crecer.It was so good for us that many publishers approached and offered us their catalog to record. El primer mes vendimos la mitad de los libros que habíamos adquirido, es un montón", recuerda Morales.
Para la inversión inicial, los creadores de Malatesta recurrieron a un préstamo familiar: "Al ir de a poco armás tu negocio.You have to count on money for rent, have a mattress and be well advised in commercial ".Morales is even encouraged to give some tips for those who are wanting to undertake in the field: "Pay attention to the territory, not put a bookstore in places where they do not know and select for the first purchase those books that we know that they will sell quickly."
"Physical bookstores are oasis in the face of the madness of the daily.Commercial, the place to the street also has another visibility, "says Guadalupe Reboredo, who opened his own room in La Plata (42nd street number 692 1/2) during this 2021.
Reboredo also began with an initial investment that was around 3.000 dollars and until the end of this 2021 calculates that the bet will continue and then start generating a profit margin.The bookseller admits that drawing a bridge between culture and money is difficult but not impossible: "People invest in books, art has weight in their lives, you still bet on consumption not measurable in terms of utility, because it is impossibleCompare reading a novel with a washing machine."
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Expand in pandemia
La librería Céspedes, en Colegiales (CABA), tenía una historia exitosa previa a la pandemia.It began in a small place in 2017, and already in November 2020 it opened a new two -storey space on Álvarez Thomas Avenue of the same commune.
"El salto financiero fue enorme, nos jugaron a favor los créditos del Banco Ciudad y Nación para emprendimientos e industrias culturales, y aunque sigo endeudada sé que vamos a encontrar el punto de equilibrio", confía Cecilia Fanti, dueña de Céspedes.At the same time, he acknowledges that in the pandemic the neighborhood libraries were privileged in relation to other items: "A few days after the A spo we were authorized by the book office, which meant challenges, reinventions, creativity."
On the other hand, Fanti is aware that the editorial industry contracts year after year, for example, in terms of number of specimens, but rescues that it was extended in bibliodiversity: "Every year independent publishers bet on different literature".
Reconocer está crisis añosa tampoco fue un impedimento para que en plena pandemia Federico Navamuel se animara a la ampliación de Patio Interno, su librería en City Bell.In mid -2021 the business went from 35 meters to a living room of 100, in diagonal 3 corner 474.
"We were able to overcome the pandemic because the structure in the library was light, was alone, without employees, and because we implemented a distribution system and we did more than 6.000 kilómetros entregando pedidos de libros", expresa Navamuel.
Sin embargo, el librero reconoce que los inicios en 2019 no fueron sencillos: "Invertimos unos u$s 5000 dólares, los riesgos eran un montón y los primeros 6 meses fueron muy complicados, el país estaba en una crisis importante y yo había cometido errores, aunque mirándolos en perspectiva, sirvieron para crecer".
For the business to work, Navamuel aims to prioritize what virtuality does not give: "Pandemia accelerated sales on the Internet.But the essence of our bookstore is for people to approach more reasons than buy a book.Internet just brings you the product.The place gives the possibility of discovering something that you might not have thought, "he concludes.
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