The national government definitely had no choice but to yield to the pressure of different political parties, union leaders and much of Colombians to change the text of the tax reform.While President Iván Duque did not expressly said that he withdraws the bill, in practice it is as if it were because a new text will be built with the support of the Congress that the Ivacomo will leave is today and the basis for the basis forWhat more taxpayers declare and pay rent.In a situation as complex as the one who lives the country and in the middle of a pre -election campaign, the president of the Colombians acted in a responsible manner and now a reform text will be designed that will be agreed between senators and representatives to the Chamber and that will incorporate proposalsof entrepreneurs.
Lea también: Duque anuncia más ajustes en tributaria: no habrá IVA a canasta familiar ni cambios en declaración de renta“Lo que se aprobará ahora será muy posiblemente una minirreforma tributaria que le dará respiro al país por un par de años, peroluego se tendrá que presentar otra reforma porque el país necesita solucionar su situación fiscal”, dice Carlos Eduardo Sepúlveda Rico, decano de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad del Rosario.In dialogue with El País, this economist, who has roots, talks about the implications that will generate changes in tax reform.
Después de tanta presión de muchos lados, elGobierno decidió cambiar el texto del proyecto, ¿cree que la demora en hacerlo se debe a que no quería aceptar que fracasó?En principio, el Gobierno hizo una propuesta audaz, arriesgada y ambiciosa para presentar una reforma tributariagrande, que le apostaba a una ampliación de la base de los principales impuestos del sistematributario, que son el IVA y el impuesto a la renta de personas naturales ylas empresas.But the proposal was not well received and I think you had to look for solution alternatives.The president went to renegotiate and look at how agreements can be reached in Congress.My reaction is bittersweet, without good it is true that due to the magnitude of the project there were legitimate and background discussions about what should go and what should not go, there were many good things in the structural reform that defended it almost all economists in the country.
¿Pero el momento actual daba para una reforma tan ambiciosa, como algunos la calificaron?Siento que es una lástima que se haya tenido que rebarajar todo el panorama de la reforma, creo que había espacio para un diálogo político y encontrar una solución buena.On what had been presented, it could be applied gradually, to enruption towards a well -designed tax reform.But if one looks another side, I created that as the reform was I was not going to happen and I think it is better to get something regular to run.On this side there is a light of hope that Congress agrees an arrangement that allows you to have peace of mind from the fiscal point of view.
¿Pero enmomentos de pandemia, que han golpeado el empleo y los ingresos de las empresas, presentar una reforma que impactabala clase media, no cree que es falta de tacto?Mire,creo que yo hubiera sido igual de arriesgado, incluso me hubiera gustado una propuesta más integral, quenose limitara a un reajuste fuerte en ingresos y a un ajuste a los programas sociales.I think that the proposal for the development was good, contemplated tax reform, labor, pension reform and social programs.So when one finds that comprehensive package, a new social arrangement has on the table that suddenly can say that it is time to pay more taxes, but it will help more people and there will be unemployment insurance.The Government was very ambitious and bold in tax, but it fell short in that rest of the components.The call of the president last Friday will result in something much less ambitious, which allows us to breathe a couple more years, perocuting there is a crisis as deep as the one we are happening, one would have expected it to be the opportunity to also solve background problems.If we put warm water cloths, then we will go out with the problems we had before the pandemic and without solving the problems we face with the pandemic.
But I insist... esteera un momento adecuado para presentar una reforma tan ambiciosa?Lo que diría en este punto es que faltó diálogo político y que todos nos escucháramos, mi llamadono es a que se hubiera aprobado a pupitrazo, creo que este momento ameritaba, por un lado, pensar en esa reforma estructural y valía la pena estudiar lo que el Gobierno estaba proponiendo.Many proposals were positive, others were wrong and that is why the situation we are living was generated.I also consider that people had to listen to the anguish of the people to get out of this mess.I think it could have been found an agreement to reach a point.
In practice, the government had no choice but to...Yes, I believe that we are now in a difficult situation, of anguish, also in a pre -election campaign and that hinders political dialogue.I feel that political greatness of all political parties to make difficult decisions have been lacked.The government call is good, to bother, to rethink the text and return to start the discussion.I think that was responsible for the government, Perono means that everything is fine.The Government insists on finding paths to solve the fiscal problem, I think that until now by that side has been responsible.However, in the end we will get to something we do every three years.We will return to a minirreformaque will give the country a little air for two or three years.
You already said it, in pre -election campaign nobody drives projects that affect the pocket of more Colombians, so they are necessary. ¿Falta más conciencia?Mire,esta era una oportunidad única, cuandouno tiene una situación tan grave en materia social, económica y de salud esmomento para hacer nuevos acuerdos sociales ydecir que nuestro sistema tributario no funciona, nuestro modelo económico no es óptimo.That should have led us to think of growing way, generate different employment.The role of the State must be different.Given this adversity, large leaders must arise and find broad consensus and define better play rules, but we are not going to get to that, but more of the same.
¿Qué implicaciones podrá tener el país?Mire, si no se aprueba una reforma grande al día siguiente perdemos el grado de inversión y eso lleva a que haya crédito mundial más caro para Colombia, lleva a que el financiamiento de empresas y del Estado sea más costoso, lleva a que el crecimiento sea menor.It is a complex chain.I believe that the president's call is valid, but should be framed in the discussion of the proposal that there is.I do not think it was a bad moment, what I think is that a very large package was presented so that it is approved immediately.We could have generated a gradual panorama, to say that the richest pay, but neither do social programs be aggressively.It could be done, but there was a lack of dialogue.Clearly there was also missing pedagogy, because everyone says no to VAT because he is drowned.I insist that what she was more political dialogue.
¿En el tema de pedagogía no cree que al Ministro de Hacienda le falta eso, pero también le falta más cercanía con la comunidad?La verdad es que aquí se necesitan esos dos sombreros que usted dice, un gran liderazgo y fortaleza política ypor otro lado una gran pedagogía frente a lo técnico.That is a reflection that economists have to do so among us and it seems to us that everything looks very well, but pedagogy is missing so that the citizen of the common understands good things and also the things not so good that should be launched.In relation to the minister, I would say that all the ministers of Hacondanadie wants them, but that would do is a criticism made economists, because I think it makes a lot of pedagogy and leadership.
The common people criticize the government and President Duque.There is a discontent...I don't want to customize the problem.Before the pandemic, when we had another government, protests were seen in Sweden, in Turkey, in Spain and in Chile.There was a social malaise and a call from the people to claim the role of the State with the community.We have to version what we have today gives welfare to people.We ask ourselves, for example, that if in health we have advanced and the answer is yes, but in education no, in science and technology either and in creation of quality employment no.And all those things accumulate and leads people to exploit.But the call is to find solutions, not guilty.
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