Before making a decision, SMEs must analyze the importance of damage to your company and assess whether they have to sanction or fire the worker.To do this, it is important to collect evidence.

That an employee steals cash from the cash."The unfortunate thing is that the workers see it as normal," says the founding partner of RB Advisores, Fernando Ruiz-Beato, who indicates that "many signatures already destined part of their budget to possible deviations".

Theft is considered a serious fault and, therefore, a sanctionable conduct, according to the Criminal Code.That is, it is a transgression of good contractual faith.But how should a small and medium -sized company act if you suspect that your employee appropriates the company's goods?

The firm can punish or fire the worker.In any case, the manager will have to demonstrate the reality of the facts with reliable evidence because it is the judge who determines whether they are valid."In most cases, this authority estimates that they are weak or insufficient.Therefore, the more they contribute, the better, "warns Esic's professor, Daniel Patricio Jiménez.

Before making a decision, "SMEs must analyze the significance of the damage that can cause in the image of your organization and if fraud occurs systematically," Jiménez explains.Thus, it is not the same to steal 30 euros as 300, it also does not have the same effect appropriate others in a restaurant as in a banking entity.

Su empleado le roba, ¿qué debería hacer para no acabar en un juicio?

In addition, we will have to assess what it is for the company to fire or relegate the worker suspect as a position.For example, it can be the case that an entrepreneur has enough evidence that one of his employees steals 20 euros every day of the tip of the tips.Given this situation, the manager has to determine whether or not compensates for it, because it is possible that the benefit he achieves for the company, for its great performance, is higher than the one that it loses with its misconduct.

There is no universal procedure, since each case is different.The most important thing is to collect valid evidence, although without attempting against people's privacy.Otherwise, it is inconvenient to sanction and dismissal is considered inadmissible, which implies the payment of compensation."Research must be fast and discreet so that the problem is not eternalized," says the IESE business ethics professor, Joan Fontrodona.

A second chance

Once a series of tests have been collected and before making the final decision, "the businessman must open a file instruction," says ESIC professor Daniel Patricio Jiménez.That is, it must give the employee an opportunity to express and justify what happened.From this moment on, the manager has to assess the worker's conduct to determine what action will carry out.The Criminal Code recommends that dismissal be the last option.Thus, there are numerous alternatives.First, warn the employee, in writing or through a conversation, so that it correctly executes their functions and does not repeat misconduct.Second, relegate it with position.For example if it is in charge, lower it.Third, offer voluntary leave to avoid a criminal procedure.Fourth, punish it with a salary drop for a certain period of time.Obviously, in all these cases there must be a mutual agreement.The employee recognizes his mistake and accepts punishment.

  1. Establecer unas medidas de prevención para no llegar al extremo de despedir a un empleado por actos inmorales. Por ejemplo, el hecho de que un empresario retire todos los días dinero de la caja una vez alcanzado un cierto nivel de facturación hace que los trabajadores se sientan más controlados.
  2. Comunicar al trabajador. No basta con trasmitir a un empleado sus condiciones, sino que se recomienda entregarle un manual de actuación que establezca unas normas que fomenten comportamientos correctos. Por ejemplo, si se trata de un restaurante, prohibir llevar comida a casa.
  3. Estimular conductas conscientes. Las empresas deben fomentar la integridad de sus empleados para evitar arrastrar a los que están a su alrededor (clientes y proveedores) a cometer acciones poco éticas. Para ello, es clave tener unos valores y unos objetivos bien definidos.

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