Con un papel muy destacado en la historia, los pelirrojos se han convertido en el 'fetiche' de las marcas para los anuncios de TV¿Por qué los pelirrojos se han convertido en los reyes de los anuncios de televisión en España? ¿Por qué los pelirrojos se han convertido en los reyes de los anuncios de televisión en España?

The first magazine only for redheads

Triptomax, Frenadol, Mediamarkt, Mapfre, Vodafone, Worten, Botemanía or Adoptauntio.What do all these brands have in common?All of them have used some redhead to star in their television campaigns in Spain.The number of ads in which actors appear with that hair tone has been in crescendo in recent years.What is happening?For what is this?

Some users of social networks have been realizing this trend for months and wonder what the origin or reason of it is.The matter even generated a debate on the mythical Forocoches website.

In other countries, such as Ireland or Scotland, the red -haired quota reaches 13%, so this type of spots would make more sense.But in our country, where only 1% of the population would have that hair color, it is certainly something that is very striking.And it is that the proportion of television ads in Spain in which redheads appear is much greater than this figure.

"The truth is that I had not even realized but yes, the redheads have invaded the advertising spaces. In addition, once you look you can see up to three spots followed with them as protagonists. There is even one with an entire family!"Jonathan Villar, a senior creative of the McCann Worldgroup agency.

Villar tiene varias teorías respecto a esta situación. Una de las más absurdas que se le vienen al a cabeza es "que el CEO de P&G (propietarios de un sinfín de marcas) fuera pelirrojo y se convirtiera en algo personal". La existencia de un alto cargo con dicho color capilar dentro de este u otro gigante que pide ese requisito en cada creatividad es una posibilidad.

¿Por qué los pelirrojos se han convertido en los reyes de los anuncios de televisión en España?

The expert also throws another more serious hypothesis, which has to do with diversity.Villar theorizes that there is "a demand for integration by our different hair friends, in Plan EH, we also exist, we also consume."The creative believes that, given the increasing segmental character of advertising, this theory would make more sense than the previous one."There are always brands that want to earn some land to competitors. Seeing the low percentage of redheads in the population, it would be rare that money and effort be invested in something like that, but what does it cost to put a redhead to a spot?"

Trend or chance?

That several advertisers have agreed only to attend two reasons: the trend or chance."I lean more because the result is a mixture of both, a casual trend," Villar apostles.

Tonino Licciardello is the creator of one of the reference websites on redheads in Spanish, he does not have reddish hair as such, he is his son: that was what led him to create a page with useful information and resources on this segment of the population, and to become more sensitive to the subject.

Licciardello believes that it is not a fashion."The redheads have always caught attention for being atypical and aesthetically 'they give color', either in an ad, in movies or in cartoons. Pixar loves to put redheads in his works, by the way," he says.

The webmaster also advocates the theory of Villar's diversity.He says that, in a work by his son's school, they put him with a blonde girl and another brunette, and compare that scene with "those Benetton ads in which people with different skin colors appear together. They are precious images, aSample of the great variety and human wealth, "says Licciardello.

The story is written in redhead

The creator of goes back beyond advertising and turns to past times to explain that general fascination for gingers."As a fan of history, I would tell you that redheads, despite being so few, have always left a huge footprint in humanity," he says.Tonino recalls that renowned artists such as Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Vivaldi, Woody Allen, Elton John and Suzanne Vega, scientists such as Galileo Galilei and numerous politicians have worn this hair color.

"In the political sphere, its presence is incredible," he says, "from the first president of the USA, George Washington, people who completely influenced the formation of current countries and their policies, such as Cristóbal Colón, Hernán Cortés,Napoleon Bonaparte, Garibaldi, Winston Churchill, Genghis Khan, Carlomagno, Erik El Rojo, Isabel I of England, María Estuardo, Felipe IV, Pedro "El Grande", Jaume I 'The Conqueror', Petronila de Aragón, Lenin, Thomas Jefferson,The Marquis de la Fayette, Margaret Thatcher, Malcolm X ... ".

Tristan Rodgers is redhead and in fact a few months ago he launched MC1R, the first specialized magazine for redheads in the world.Like Licciardello, Rodgers believes that the curiosity they awakeHistorical events, it makes it very easy to deduce the reason why we arouse so much interest, "he says.

As for the advertising field, Rodgers brings another idea.According to the editor, in the world of fashion and in the ads "there is constantly a hype that has to do with redheads. Our reddish hair tone and our skin clear combine very well with clothes. We wear looks in a different wayTo others, "theorizes.

In addition to being in large part of the TV ads and having their own magazine, the redheads will also soon have their own emojis on WhatsApp.The world is definitely red.

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