Al poco de ser lanzada, Green y Law fabricaron su primer boardshort, un bañador cuyo largo roza la rodilla y que, a día de hoy, es el best seller de la marca. La reputación de este bañador de Quiksilver tendrá como consecuencia un aumento de su popularidad e influencia y, en apenas dos años, estos comenzarán a comercializarse en Australia con el beneplácito de surfistas profesionales como Kelly Slater yLisa Andersen.Por qué un bañador de Quiksilver cuesta lo que cuesta Por qué un bañador de Quiksilver cuesta lo que cuesta

Only a year later of his landing in Australia, in 1976, Quiksilver will conquer North American lands with a license..The person responsible for this happened was Jeff Hakman, surfer of elite who convinced Green and Law to give him the rights and thus, together with Bob McKnight, expand the brand throughout the United States..Between 1983 and 1984, Europe, Asia and South Africa will follow the dollar country, turning Quiksilver's domination into the world of swimwear into a global milestone.

The only inconvenience then is that Quiksilver was a brand only focused on the male audience.With the aim of offering surfers this same experience, Roxy will be born in the 90s as a tribute to Hawaii professional surfers.His heart -shaped logo will be the result of the opposition of the Quiksilver logo, his mother brand, as if he were in front of a mirror.

Por qué un bañador de Quiksilver cuesta lo que cuesta

As expected, Roxy repeated the success of Quiksilver, becoming a reference in the women's swimsuit department.Thus, in 2004, Quiksilver will become a company valued at one billion dollars and acquire DC Shoes, a Californian company specialized in footwear for sports such as skate, snowboarding, BMX, motocross and surf.

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