Pablo Salazar nos comparte su trabajo de investigación titulado "Stands design comerciales en el barrio de la floresta Quito, Ecuador". Este abarca temas como la huella climática que provoca la actividad a escala urbana, el análisis de radiación, de vientos y heliografía, aparte del diseño y desglose de materiales de 4 tipos de stands comerciales.
Knowing that in Ecuador the informal merchant needs to be transported to different fairs, that is, it is outpatient and added to the urgent need to create spaces where social cohesion is encouraged by the pandemic, a proposal of a street fair is viable, starting from the design of the design of the design of thestand taking into account every need of merchants, their products and the urban environment where it is located.
This work starts from the current problem in health, social distancing, and the economic decline that caused the pandemic, resulting in the increase to 13.3% unemployment for the case of Ecuador (INEC, 2020).
It is essential to understand and leave from the operation cycle of the fair and understand that it begins from the orchards that develop in the territorial context of the city.The research work of Clavijo (2013), based on several environmental groups, determined that the Metropolitan District of Quito has 793 orchards, the majority located on the periphery of the city.
The main garden closest to the neighborhood is in the central part of the city in the Zonal administration Manuelita Sáenz, 3.88 km, unlike the garden in Eugenio a distance of 7.56 kilometers.These data help us understand the origin of organic products.
In Quito there are 3 main zonal markets with a radius of influence of 1500 meters and 26 sector markets with 750 meters of radio, among these markets is that of La Floresta, the markets are specialized for sale of clothing, jewelry, art in paint, paint,sculpture, food, etc..
According to Cazamor (2015) there are different fairs that are held during the week, on Friday the fair is held in La Floresta and also in the La Mena neighborhood, thus sharing the day for the development of said, this aforementioned case influencesThe assistance of the merchant and customer, even in the transport of products from the orchards.
The neighborhood is located in the parish La Mariscal, within the capital of Ecuador, the city of Quito.The history of the neighborhood begins in the second decade of the twentieth century after the Lotization of the Hacienda La Familia Urrutia, thus being known as "The Jardín Barrio" (Sánchez, 2012).By 1917 it is declared as a consolidated neighborhood, through the Urban Planning of the ARQ.Rubén Vinci which is based on the extension of 6 roads that start from the Hexagonal Square.
Currently the presence of parties, Catholic processions, artisan and artist workshops, educational educational institutions, have strengthened the appearance of the neighborhood and self -determining as a neighborhood of artists and bohemians.(Villegas, 2014)
Current status: Organic Food Fair, Galavis Street
GALAVIS STREET, by delimiting on Isabel La Católica Avenue to the West (restaurant centrality) and east on Andalusia Street, people have the schedules and the existence of the trade in Galavis Street.It is necessary to create social cohesion spaces that are in the “edge” of the land use that the neighborhood has, it will be a strong attraction for different types of users with different occupations, Galavis street meets this vision.
Regarding public transport routes analysis.There is a distance of 120 m from the location of Galavis Street to the stop for the Vingala, Quito, Floresta bus, and a distance of 95 m to the 12 de Octubre Avenue which is a main avenue, this will benefit the fair and the fair andIt is at short distances for communication between the city sectors through public transportation.
The street topography has a slope of 2.82% in a distance of 80.05 meters and an elevation of 2.26 meters.The street consists of market trade with 5.62 meters high and an educational unit with a height of 5.59 meters.
An important aspect to take into account is the fair that is held periodically on Fridays and that works together with the neighborhood market, this fair will benefit from this research work since it addresses architectural, urban, and social aspects that will strengthen the developmentof the fair and based on an ephemeral design will also help for the transport of these stands for other environments within the city of Quito.
Stands materials prioritize lightness, also thinking that it must be transportable.The elements that make it up are: a wooden table and rod structure, which serves as a table support.As for the roof, the material is PVC and the permeable textile canvas.All these elements are separable this facilitating transportation.
The arrangement of the stands responds to the modulation of 2.1 x 3 m, organizing in a linear way by adapting to the shape of the street and the income of the existing buildings, but not to the configuration of existing elements in thespace such as: public lighting posts, signage, gardeners, among others.
There are 30 spaces available in front of the educational unit, separated one meter from the facade that we will call it block 1, and 29 spaces available in front of the aforementioned spaces that form block 2, closer to the Floresta market,These blocks are separated by 5.58 m from each other.
Impact of the activity of the fair
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For the transport of organic products to the study site, we will concentrate on small cars that produces 104 gr/km, and medium cars with a production of 158 gr/km on average.
The orchards located in the area of Manuelita Sáenz are at a distance of 7.4 km producing a total of 1058.2 gr of CO2, this is the closest garden, therefore, it is the most efficient in terms of reducing the reduction of the carbon footprint.The orchards located in the Quitumbe area at 19.8 km, produce 2.8 kilograms of CO2, this being the most impact.
The most capacity parking is found in AV.October 12 with 112 vehicles, and the parking lot located on Andalusia Street has a capacity of 41 vehicles, located 298 meters from the study site, this being the closest to the fair.The amount of CO2 is calculated with an average route of 3.72 km carried out by the inhabitants of Quito, being the parking lot located in the AV.October 12, which produces the greatest amount with CO2 produces with 433303.56 gr/km
Within the sector there are 14 stations, being number 4 that is closest to the location of the fair with a distance of 549 meters.
Stands were designed based on architectural criteria such as:
Materials and carbon footprint
Based on the information given by Neila (2016), we can conclude that wood is the optimal material for the construction of stands, since 15 mj/kg is required for extraction and emits 1.4 CO2/kg.Knowing that it is necessary for unions and the transport will be implemented in small quantities the steel material, this for the joints.
Zoning of the architectural program
The work was based on the analysis of shadows, radiation and ventilation, this in search of comfort to prolong a user stay.
The facades directed to the south are the ones that receive the most shadow for the winter solstice.Although Galavis Street accumulates less shadow in relation to context, there are places such as the market facade and the facade of the educational center, where the shadow is permanent.For the winter solstice on December 21, there is less amount of shadow in the environment, this benefits since the amount of radiation will help the temperature increase within the site.
The place where less radiation is received during an annual period is attached to the blind walls that limit the study area.
Within the analysis of the winds we notice that the study area does not receive a significant speed, this compared to its urban environment, this is because it is surrounded by buildings with 9 meter heights located in the AV.The Catholic reigns.The direction of the predominant winds comes from the south west, this causes the wind circulation inside Galavis Street to circulate west to east with a minimum speed of 2 m/s and reaching a maximum speed of 21 m/s.
It is essentialand sale of organic products are located in the closest part of the AV.Isabel the Catholic
Model check
The area of stay attached to the walls was placed, since this area is the one that receives the least radiation, this because during the year the shadow is concentrated in the walls that limit the street, thus being the middle part of the street the streetArea where you receive greater radiation.
With the proposal already located on the street, the radiation results are different from the current situation, that is, the maximum amount of radiation with the proposal is 1100 kWh/m2 and the minimum of 50 kWh/m2.The maximum radiation results are set in the pedestrian circulation area, this is because there is no solar filter.As for the minimum results, they are concentrated in the areas of stay, close to the walls, and at the bottom of the stands they already have a roof
At the time of checking with the proposal mounted on Galavis Street, the wind speed data was reduced, that is, without the proposal the minimum speed is 2 m/s and the maximum of 21 m/s, and withThe assembly the minimum wind speed is 2 m/s at AV.Isabel la Católica, and the maximum of 19 m/s on Andalusia Street, which benefits the circulation of the wind by releasing the smoke caused by the preparation of food in the stands that are in the closest part to Andalusia Street.
The concept of lightness, assembly and disassembly can also be applied for the design and construction of housing, this focused on residence spaces for people who have suffered a loss material caused by natural disasters or emergency conditions.
In conclusion, at the time of performing the analysis, design and site, the use of BIM tools was essential to make decisions and thus provide greater precision and better operation for the benefit of the project.The results shown above (radiation, wind speed, climatic footprint) are fundamental when making decision, it is essential to take into account and calculate these results since construction is one of the activities that will be benefited most.
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