La serie Bruja Escarlata y Visión (o WandaVision en el resto del mundo) de Marvel en Disney+ les ha dado a los fans del UCM mucho sobre lo que teorizar con su premisa inusual de sitcom y las travesuras de deformar la realidad dentro de la pequeña ciudad de Westview. Existen numerosas teorías que intentan explicar todo lo que sucede con Wanda Maximoff y su esposo Visión, pero hemos ideado una teoría que explica casi todas las grandes incógnitas con la misma respuesta. Gira en torno a algo que literalmente nos mira a la cara en cada episodio desde lo alto de la cabeza sintética de Visión: la Gema de la Mente.
Let's review the big questions and show how the gem of the mind can help solve the complex puzzle that is wandavision.
WARNING: Wandavision Episode 5 spoilers below.
To explain the gem theory of the mind, we need to determine what actions Wanda probably took after the last time we saw it at the end of Avengers: Endgame.
Alone and afflicted by pain, it is not difficult to imagine that Wanda began to find a way to return to life his only true love, vision.
Wanda discovered that Vision's body was held at Sword's headquarters and entered to recover it, as shown by director Hayward through images of the security chamber in episode 5.
Now, despite taking into account the vision body, Wanda would still lack the key ingredient to give the spark of life, the gem of the mind.Imagine this: Wanda re -assemblating the vision body and activating it, just to realize that it is a shadow of its old self because it does not have the miraculous essence of life granted by the gem of the mind.
This puts Wanda in an impossible situation.Thanos destroyed the gem of the mind along with the rest of the infinity gems at the beginning of Endgame, and Captain America returned Loki's stolen scepter to its appropriate place in the past at the end of that same film.Assuming that the trip in time is out of the table, that leaves Wanda with just a feasible option to obtain the gem of the mind.
This leads us to the crux of all our theory: Wanda took the gem of the mind of another universe.
Makes sense.If Wanda has a new gem of the mind of another reality, then easily responds to numerous questions.
Wanda gave him the gem of the mind of another universe.
We see vision walking on WestView with a gem of the intact and shiny mind there on its forehead.One would think that there would have been more importance to the fact that somehow he has an infinity gem in his head, although all these rainbow rocks are supposed to be reduced to atoms.
Of course, there was that scary moment of zombie vision, which made us ask ourselves if that is the true state of vision, and the normal vision we are seeing is a mere illusion and he does not really have the gem of the mind.But in episode 5, Captain Monica Rambeau, agent Jimmy Woo and Dra.Darcy Lewis discover that everything inside the hex is real, not an illusion, so apparently it means that the gem of the mind is also real.Perhaps the zombie vision only appeared in Wanda's mind as a nightmare flash of what would happen to him if he no longer had the gem of the mind.It could be argued that the gem of the mind of vision could be some other subject transmuted in a gem that resembles the gem of the mind but does not have its power, just like the Kevlar vest of Monica that becomes elegant inThe 70s, but for the good of our theory we are assuming that is not the case.
Now, even if vision looks like a gem from the authentic mind of another universe, there is still a great trap.The version of the comics the infinity stones only works properly in their universe of origin.If the UCM follows this rule, then vision can only be alive in the world where the gem of the mind was taken.That could be the reason why Wanda created the Hex.It is a bubble that contains a gap to the other universe: a safe space for the Wanda-Visio family to live an idyllic life.
According to our theory, if vision left the Hex, I would die again.That is why Wanda defended hex so fiercely and aggressively when he left the bubble to face Sword.He finally recovered her husband and formed a family, and literally can only exist in the Hex, so she will fight to keep them.
It is the same alternative universe as that gem of the mind.
We never saw the infinity gems in Fox's X-Men movies, but according to the Marvel Comics tradition, there is a set in each universe through the multiverse, so it could be that Wanda took the gem of the world of the world of the worldof the X-Men.
Just as Wanda took the gem of the mind of another universe because hers was destroyed, she summoned the Quicksilver of another world because her real brother is dead.
Taking the gem of the mind of another reality caused an unpleasant break between universes.
As the old woman (Tilda Swinton) explained to Bruce Banner in Avengers: Endgame, remove a stone from the infinity of her appropriate place in space and time can have catastrophic consequences.Dr. Darcy Lewis has already determined that the radiation emitted by the HEX can reach dangerous levels, but that is just the beginning.
In the comic saga of the Avengers of the writer Jonathan Hickman (the same comics writer responsible for the black order, the battle of Wakanda and other ideas used by the UCM), it is established that when two universes are intended in a phenomenon called "incursion ", will eventually collide and both will be destroyed.The only way to avoid this mutual destruction is that one universe destroys the other.This shows that there may be much greater consequences for Wanda's actions than she realizes.Forget the city of WestView, the whole universe could be at stake!This could sow seeds for a Multiversal Crossover movie by Secret Wars, which is where he finally took the story of Hickman.
When the history of the incursion was resolved in Secret Wars, parts of the destroyed universes were absorbed by the main universe of Marvel.For example, the Spider-Man of Miles Morales of the Ultimate Universe joined the world without problems along with their friends and family as if they had always been there from the beginning.This is how Marvel fuses the universe of the X-Men with the UCM and brings the mutants to this other world.
The fusion of the two universes would also allow vision to exist outside the hex because the gem of the mind comes from the X-Men universe and that universe would be one with the UCM.
Is using a new gem of the mind.
If the original vision mind were linked to the first gem of the mind, then it would be logical.It may be that the old vision has really left forever and Wandavision's vision is essentially a new and restarted vision with the same personality, but without memories.There is a precedent of this in the comics where vision was "restarted", but in a version without feelings for Wanda...And for nothing or anyone.
At the beginning, it seemed that Darcy Lewis used the term "hex" simply as a reference to the powers of "Active magic" of Wanda in the comics, but maybe there is more than that.There are numerous hexagons along Wandavision: the opening and closing credits, the shape of the barrier around Westview, Geraldine's earrings, etc.., so this could be a visual side effect of the gem of the mind exerting its influence on WestView.
In addition, the UCM hyperspatial travel version is carried out through a system called Universal Neuronal Teleportation Netjumping points.It would not be difficult for an entrance to another universe to also have that hexagonal form.That would make Hex a great portal to another universe, strengthening our idea that Wanda went to another reality in search of a new gem of the mind.This could also mean that the UCM version of Wanda Hex power is the power to travel through the multiverse.
Someone is using the mind gem.
Wanda can mentally control individual people, or even a dozen Sword soldiers, but a little red shine effects and effects are needed, so, as he explained exasperately to vision in episode 5, there is no way thatcan control an entire city.Maybe Wanda is secretly using the gem of the mind to greatly improve his telepathy, giving him enough power to control thousands of people at the same time in the back of his mind.
Alternatively, it could be that an infamous villain is using the gem of the mind to control the townspeople, and possibly Wanda itself.
We are not going to immerse ourselves in speculation about the villain (you will have already heard theories about Mephist.Perhaps someone is remotely taking advantage of the power of the mind of the mind to activate Wanda's powers to "fix" anything that threatens his plan (as seen when Wanda "edits" scenes).Wanda is an incredibly powerful telepath, so something as incredibly powerful as the gem of the mind would be needed to exercise control over it.
The gem of the mind generates the same type of radiation that is detected on ancient televisions.
This part is complicated a bit, so put the batters of scientists!
As you will remember, in episode 4, Darcy Lewis discovered the emission of scarlet witch and vision because the signal was embedded in unusually high levels of CMBR, or cosmic radiation of microwave background, which Hayward explains that it is a relic radiation that dates back to the BigBang.Do you want to know what the most arose from the Big Bang?Well, literally everything in the universe, but as the collector illustrated in Guardians of the Galaxy, the stones of the infinity were created and thrown into the universe by the Big Bang.It may be that gems and CMBr share the same type of radiation because they come from the same source.
As you will remember from the High School Science class, the CMBR fills the empty space of the universe and is captured on common televisions when they are not tune in to a channel.When a TV shows a static screen, that "noise" is the TV by capturing CMBR.If the mind gem really generates the same type of CMBR radiation, then it could be responsible for generating the Wandavision TV emission.
One of the most popular theories among fans that tries to explain the situation comedy element of the postulaWestView, its manufactured reality is taking the form of classic sitcom.It is remarkable that you have sat to watch television with vision several times so far, perhaps to recreate that sense of security of your childhood.And it is the gem of the mind that is giving it the ability to do that.
Turning to the gem of the mind.
It was Hydra, through Baron von Strucker who first gave Wanda his powers by experimenting with her with the gem of the mind, so it would be logical that Wanda could take advantage of it again to give additional powers.Remember that it used to have only telepathy and telekinesis powers, but now it can manipulate reality itself, which not only makes it considerably more powerful, but also aligns with its comic version.
This is the most important question that surrounds our theory.While Wanda is one of the most powerful UCM characters, he does not have the ability to open a gap between universes, so how could the stone of the mind of another reality obtain?That's where our mysterious villain enters.
It would be difficult to blame a desperate wanda to accept the help of a bleak figure if they offered a way to return life to vision, so the villain may have the power to access the multiverse so that Wanda can obtain a new gem of the mind.If the villain has that kind of power, it would be a general villain suitable for phase 4, since Loki, Spider-Man 3 and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of madness also seem to deal with the Multiverse.The villain molecule as a possible candidate comes to mind: he was a key player in the history of Hickman's incursion because it is a multiverse uniqueness, or someone who is the same person in all realities.
But what price would Wanda have to pay in exchange for the help of this villain who jumps from Multiverse?All signs suggest that they are their children.
From the beginning of scarlet witch and vision, Wanda has been manipulated to have children.The effort has been headed by Agnes (who chillingly began its relationship by immediately offering seduction techniques) and helped by the rest of the city ("by children!").And as we have seen in the short time since birth, the twins Billy and Tommy are not only resistant to Wanda's abilities, but also have some their own impressive powers.Perhaps the villain gathered Wanda with vision through the gem of the mind so that they could produce a powerful offspring (mutant?) That they could then use for their own evil purposes.
It is probably safe to assume that Wandavision ends with the resolution of the WestView conflict and the fall of the Hex barrier, so what does that mean for Wanda's children?According to the logic of our theory, if they were given life in the alternative universe and are subject to the same rules as their father, they cannot exist outside the Hex.Would be swallowed by the multiverse along with vision and the other gem of the mind.
We know that Elizabeth Olsen will play his role as Wanda again in Dr. Strange's sequel with Stephen Strange of Benedict Cumberbatch, so this would explain why he looks for it.He needs his help to save his family from the Multiverse from madness.
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