The Secretary General of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Vicente Pérez, has presented in Lora del Río (Sevilla) the production capacity of 2021-2022 of these crops, highlighting that it will be a medium-high campaign in terms of the volume produced.By provinces, these forecasts estimate that more than 234 will be collected in Almería.000 tons;In Cádiz, 61 will be exceeded.200 tons;In Córdoba, 364 will be touched.000 tons;And in Granada they will approach at 10.700 tons.For its part, Huelva's production will exceed 612.000 tons;Malaga's, 167.000 tons;And that of Seville will be greater than 952.200 tons.

Citrus capacity 2021-2022 prepared by the Andalusian Government also collects data related to surface, which will be around 86.900 hectares adding the orange surface (58.500 hectares), mandarin (almost 20.400 hectares), lemon (6.700 hectares) and other citrus (1.300 hectares);as well as job -related information.The forecasts point out that the total workforce for this present campaign will be around 7.8 million wages, of which 5 million would correspond to production work and 2.8 million with works related to vegetable power plants.The collection of the fruits would occupy around 57% of the wages dedicated to production work.

During his speech, Vicente Pérez recalled the importance of “collecting fruit at its optimal maturation point” in order to “avoid bringing products that may negatively affect the trend of increase in consumption that is being recorded in recenttime".In this regard, the Secretary General has explained that the per capita consumption of citrus fruits in 2020Health (WHO) related to vitamin C consumption for its health benefits and its possible contribution to the fight against COVID-19 virus.

The elaboration of the capacity of citrus of the Andalusian government is carried out from the visit and analysis of more than a thousand plots that gather an area of 3.850 hectares.In addition, technicians take into consideration the statements of the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) to establish the extension that corresponds to each of the varieties.

La provincia de Huelva producirá más de 612.000 toneladas de cítricos en la campaña 2021-2022 | - Información económica y empresarial de Huelva

Data by products and exports in terms of the production of different species, especially sweet oranges, which concentrate 70.5% of production (1.692.600 tons) Despite registering a slight decrease (-1.3%) compared to 2020-2021.This crop is followed by mandarins, which suppose 23.2% (556.550 tons) by increasing 19% with respect to the previous campaign;And the lemons, which descend 5.5% and will touch 111.800 tons (4.7% of total production).In addition to these fruits, the capacity also contemplates data related to grapefruit (30.789 tons) and other citrus (9.520 tons).

Thus, the Board forecasts also collect that the Andalusian production of oranges will involve, according to provisional data, 48.2% of the national total.This percentage would be at 26.7% in the case of tangerines and in 11.1% for lemons.

The value of Citrus exports of Andalusia maintains an ascending trend and highlights Germany as the main country of destination of international sales of these Andalusian fruits by concentrating 26% of the total.This foreign market is followed by France (19%) and Portugal (11%).

Plant health relationship with cultivation health, Vicente Pérez explained that the Ministry of Agriculture has made a total of 1 in 2020.470 performances at 204 control points within the framework of the Andalusian Plan of Phytosanitary Surveillance in citrus fruits for the early detection of Cotonet of Les Valls (Delotococcus Aberiae).To these works have joined another 1.028 performances at 171 control points developed between January 1 and September 1, 2021.In none of these almost 2.500 actions This harmful organism has been detected.

On the other hand, the Secretary General recalled that the Andalusian Government has sent informative notes to all the manipulation plants of citrus and qua of the Autonomous Comunda to communicate the obligation to apply the prophylaxis measures that appear in the contingency plan and,,especially in relation to packaging, boxes or packaging used for the distribution of fruits that are received from infected areas.As Pérez recalled, these elements "must be of one use and subsequently destroyed to avoid the dispersion of the plague, or be conveniently disinfected with water, soap and bleach in the central itself before any subsequent use".

To this work that the Ministry of Agriculture has focused directly towards the producers, the Andalusian government makes a continuous dissemination of information on social networks related to this and other pests that could affect Andalusia crops with the aim of helping the awareness of the awareness ofThe whole sector.

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