La emergencia sanitaria y la crisis laboral y socioeconómica provocada en España por el COVID-19 han hecho desplegar una gran oleada de solidaridad, iniciada ya en los primeros días de la crisis con el ofrecimiento de hoteles a las autoridades sanitarias. La casi inmediata falta de equipos de protección (EPI) para el personal sanitario, la situación también extrema en las residencias de mayores y las necesidades de suministro de alimentos, agua, etc. provocadas por la instalación de hospitales de campaña y por la vulnerabilidad de muchos hogares han concitado la decidida colaboración del sector de gran consumo (fabricantes y cadenas de distribución).
Thus, while maintaining their essential activity of food production and distribution, manufacturers and retailers are giving the best of their corporate social responsibility policy (SRC), with solidarity actions that involve a revulsive for the union of other companies.This movement includes economic contributions, donations of sanitary material, food, drinks, etc.For health centers and social entities, the manufacture of screen masks and batteries and the protection and support of the workers, suppliers and customers of manufacturers and retailers.
At the national level, it is worth mentioning the economic contributions, for various purposes, announced by Ebro Foods -in charge of its rice brand 'SOS'-, the Costa Food meat group and the Zamora Company Liquor, which have arranged 1 m €, 800,000€ and € 400,000, respectively.Beam suntory/Maxxium, Pepsico, the Chocolatera Natra and Alcampo will donate € 235,000, € 200,000, € 200,000 and € 110.00, respectively.Likewise, food contributions are highlighted by Findusy Pastas Gallo;Mineral water deliveries by Aldi, Mahou San Miguel and Damm and the commitment of other distribution chains, which are collaborating with the Red Cross, the IFEMA hospital and other health centers.
Some multinationals of great consumption, such as Unilever, Nestlé, Danone, Loreal, Bacardi, Diageo and Nomad Foods, have announced global help programs, which include social donations, support for suppliers and clients and the commitment to maintain the salary of their workers. Thus, Unilever has reported that "it will contribute more than € 100 m to protect people, consumers, clients, suppliers and workers. From this amount, a minimum of 50 m will be dedicated to the donation of soaps and disinfectants to the platform of COVID Action of the World Economic Forum ". On the other hand, "it will offer € 500 m of liquidity to support the other actors in the chain. In this sense, it intends to make the advance payment to small and medium suppliers and extend credit to retail customers whose business depends on the multinational. In addition, Unilever will protect all its salary sales workers, if market interruption occurs or the impossibility of performing its function for three months. " Alan Jope, CEO of the group, declares: "Nuestro Solid cash flow and our balance of accounts indicate that we can and must provide this additional support."
The Nestlé group has also decided important support measures to its workforce and social solidarity. "Nestlé Spain guarantees the full salary, at least for twelve weeks from the statement of the alarm state, to all workers whose activity could be impacted by the COVID-19. In addition, it offers an allocation of up to € 500 per month to all personnel Of its factories and the workers of the Guadalajara distribution center. At the global level, the multinational has announced: "We are going to join forces with the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Companies). We will donate food, medical nutrition and bottled water and implement the available logistics capacities of our business outside the home to meet the needs of the Red Cross in several countries. We will donate 10 million francs for immediate deployment. Additionally, we will match the Red Cross donations made by our employees. "
Danone "guarantees contracts and salaries for their 100,000 employees worldwide until June 30. The company offers wide coverage (health, child care, quarantine, etc.) for all its workers and a specific bonus for employeesthat work in the places affected by the pandemic. "Like Unilever, it has profiled an aid program for its 15,000 farmers and small suppliers, among which it will distribute € 25 m, financing with the cash flow of the group.
Loreal intends to collaborate with the European health authorities by manufacturing disinfectant for hands and has announced the donation of € 1 m to organizations and foundations with which he collaborates.In addition, "it will support its suppliers and customers (hairdressers, perfumeries, etc.) paying them immediately and freezing their invoices until they can reopen their businesses, respectively."
Bacardi "will allocate 3 m of dollars to financial aid and other types of support for people in the front line of our industry" and diagno "will allocate € 1 m to help its clients from Spain and Portugal, affected by the closure ofyour establishments ".Nomad Foods (Findus matrix) "has created a background of € 3.2 m, which will be destined for various causes in Europe. In Italy, for example, it has made a donation of € 1 m to the Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani".
The Alibaba and Jack Ma foundations announced on Monday (March 31) the reception in Liege (Belgium) of a cargo of sanitary supplies derived from China, which "will be allocated to various European countries. The shipment consists of 800 respirators, 300,000protective clothing games and 300,000 facial protectors. "
In Spain, donations of protection material carried out in the health centers of its provinces by Vega Mayor ('Florette'), the Cañigueral and Vall Companys, Embutidos Goikoa, Embutidos Goikoa, Cárnicas Tello, Casademont and Deviuda industries are remarkable.These are contributions, coming from their own activity, which also exemplify the important protective training of food security and its workers who have the food sector, in general, and meat activity, in particular.
Vega Mayor has donated 115,000 units - between masks, gloves, hats and shoes - to the Reina Sofía de Tudela (Navarra) hospital, as well as material for the 3D printing of protective screens for the toilets of the Hospital of Aranjuez (Madrid).Cañigueral has delivered 200,000 gloves to Girona hospitals.Vall Companys has distributed 100,000 units (masks, disposable gowns, facial screens and liters of hydroalcoholic gel) between 31 health organizations and social services of local and regional scope."Rural areas of Spain have been prioritized where group companies operate and that do not have the same resources from large metropolitan areas," he moves from Vall.Of that contribution, 26,000 units (sleeves, masks, gloves and monkeys) have been delivered by their subsidiary frivall to Conquenses entities.
Goikoa sausages has donated 37,000 gloves, aprons, masks, the hospital complex of Navarra and the residence of Senior of Sangüesa.For Suparte, Industrias Cárnicas Tello has contributed 21,000 masks and protection caps to the health service of Castilla-La Mancha.Noel Food "has donated five hospitals in the province of Girona about 21,000 protection units., while his group "has endowed with health organizations."For its part, Delviuda has delivered 140,000 units (hats, shoes and gowns) at the Virgen de la Salud hospital in Toledo."The company maintains a minimum stock for its needs, which will replace the health emergency once," communicates the Turronera.
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"Castilla-La Mancha has been the Autonomous Community where a greater number of food manufacturers have responded to the demand for EPIS for toilets, since in addition to the cited manchegas companies (Frivall, Tello and Deviuda), Nico Hamones contributions have made contributions (2,800Masks, hats, shoes and guts) and sausages and hams Spain and children. In Castilla-León, Facundo Pipas have collaborated, which delivered material in the delegation of the Board in Palencia, and the poultry Cobur, which made its donation in Burgos.Almería have mobilized Coexpha and its members -as Bio Sol Portocarreño and Biosabor -that have delivered their donations of masks, gloves, glasses, etc. in the Territorial Health Delegation.
Supermarkets Sánchez Romero "has delivered to the Hospital Puerta de Hierro a game of 1,000 autofiltrants N95, of the same type as those used by our employees in the store," is indicated.Porsu part, Unilever has announced that "it will donate in Spain 22,000 masks to different health centers and residences of seniors." The Félix Solis Avantis winemasks, respectively.At the moment, another company in the sector, La Rioja Alta "has delivered 4,000 units of disposable gloves and a dozens of bats."
Also to the health system is directed by the economic contribution of Natra (€ 200,000), as it pursues "prevention and attention to the residences of the elderly".Of that amount, € 75,000 are destined to the residences of elders and social programs of Messengers of La Paz, another € 75,000 are dedicated to the delegations of doctors of the world of Valencia and Bilbao and € 50,000 to the psychiatric hospital of San Juan de Dios de Dios de DiosAtra-Mondragón.
Some companies (González Byass-Tío Pepe, Bodegas Verum, Pernod Ricard, high distilleries, arehucas distilleries, siderit distilleries, etc.) have been involved in the crisis offering its liquor facilities to make hydroalcoholic gel and alcohol for sanitary use, as Alimarket said.
As in the textile and footwear sector, some large -consumption companies have yielded resources and workforce to manufacture health and protection material for professionals.Thus, Condis has donated 15,000 euros to collaborate with the CIM UPC Center of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) on the platform created to produce sanitary material (respirators, masks, fans and protective visors) with 3D technology.For its part, Noel Food has yielded, to manufacture facial screens, a 3 D printer to the Innova Didàctic de Olot Educational Center, which brings together more than 50 volunteers, between companies, educational centers and individuals.In addition, the meat "is collaborating with the 3D Technics company, which has yielded PET coils, also to make protective screens."
The Tarradellas house itself is making protective masks and bats with the PET sheets used in the pizzas containers.At the moment, he has delivered 1,500 units in Osona centers (Girona).The Seville plant of Heineken ('Cuzcampo'), "Pioneer in the use of 3D printers globally within the company, is manufacturing screen masks. On March 25 - he communicated - delivered 144 units to the Virgen Macarena HospitalThe brewer has a production capacity of 120 masks per day. "
The contributions of food, water and cleaning products for health centers and NGOs suppose most of the solidarity actions carried out in the large consumption sector.In this chapter, it is possible to refer to the donations of Gallo (150 t of pasta) and Findus for food banks, games equivalent to the production of one day of its factories in Barcelona and Córdoba and € 400,000, respectively."Currently, food banks are covering the needs of their 1.1 million beneficiaries with the few reserves left of the 21 million kilos donated in the last large food collection, in November. These campaigns guarantee supply for about threemonths approximately. Therefore, a situation of scarcity can soon be given, "he moves from the Food Banks Federation (Fesbal).
Voluminous have been the delivery of packaging water for hospital centers made by Mahou San Miguel, Damm Foundation, Makro and Aura. The first - in response to an initiative of the National Association of Packaging Drink Waters (Aneab Liters to public and private hospitals in Burgos, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Madrid. For its part, Damm "has contributed about 26,000 liters (about 42,000 bottles) of 'Veri' and 'Livian source' to hospitals in twelve provinces and distributed 4,000 liters between Cáritas and the Arreis Foundation." Makro sent 50,000 bottles of water last week to the IFEMA facilities, where he is also serving for free of breakfasts for breakfast and snacks. "We have our stock and the parking lots of our centers available to the UME," he communicated from this chain. Aura "has delivered 90,000 bottles, distributed in hospitals, medicalized hotels, residences, reception centers and the IFEMA pavilions." ALDI "will donate 477,200 bottles of water (10 trucks full) in hospitals, following the indications of the health authorities. The product is in 50 Cl. Thus, the risk of infection is minimized."
Lactalis has begun to provide medical centers for coffee with milk 'Puleva' and milk 'Lauki'."'Puleva' will make its donations in more than 120 hospitals from 33 provinces and 'Lauki' has delivered 25,000 individual units at the IFEMA campaign hospital."For its part, "Café Fortaleza has donated more than 20,000 cups of coffee for toilets and patients of health centers in the Basque Country in the first two weeks of confinement."
The aforementioned Pepsico collaboration includes the special program to deal with the crisis of the Red Cross Coronavirus responds, which aims to serve 1.35 m of people and gather € 11 m. "Pepsico contributes to health and emergency systems, which will be strengthened with the creation of temporary hospital infrastructure and the provision of protection equipment." The Auchan, Lid and Eroski group also collaborate with Red Cross. "Alcampo, Oney and Ceetrus have donated € 122,000, to make basic food baskets, with which to serve 50 people for eight weeks." Lidl will distribute 100 t of food to 8,000 older people living alone. Eroski has made an initial contribution of € 50,000 to the Red Cross responds and will also raise money in its stores. "A donation can be made at the time of paying in cash." For its part, Lider Alimento (SPAR) collaborates with the Badajoz Food Bank in the supply for families that until now were users of social canteens.
The English Corté, Carrefour and Ikea have donated bedding for the Ifema hospital."In addition, a good number of Carrefour suppliers have adapted their production to make masks," he moves.Eroski has also announced the contribution to the Bilbao City Council and Red Cross of Basic Dress Clothes for more than 500 homeless people realized in Bilbao Sports Center.Meanwhile, Sánchez Romero Supermercados announced yesterday "an extra compensation of € 250 to employees of their stores, in gratitude for their effort, for being day by day in their job."This adds to the gratifications policy carried out by large consumption companies such as Nestlé, Unilever and Acesur
Los anuncios de donaciones de alimentos y productos de higiene proliferan día a día. Así, además de mascarillas, Unilever "ha aportado más de 10.000 unidades de 'Moussel' y 'Dove Baby' a diversos hospitales, Johnon & Johnson ha donado en la Comunidad de Madrid "casi 27.000 unidades de productos de aseo personal e higiene femenina". Laboratorios Maverick, proveedor de Mercadona de gel y champú, "ha aportado 40.000 productos de higiene de primera necesidad al hospital de campaña de Ifema".
In terms of food products, the manufacturer of refrigerated Majao was one of the first companies to solidarity with health personnel and is donating product to four Sevillian hospitals.Vega Mayor "has delivered 90,000 full salads to food banks, residences, etc. in the last week."JUVER has donated 100,000 product units for the ten hospitals of Murcia and citrus Gustavo Ferrada will distribute 3,000 liters of weekly juice in some hospitals in Madrid.
Asproan will donate to the Red Cross in Canary Islands bananas for 5,000 families.AMC and Oranges Bollo have joined with the delivery of 22,000 units of 'via Nature' in hospitals and humanitarian organizations and with the donation of a party of oranges and tangerines for the University Hospital of La Ribera, respectively.Anecoop has delivered 7,500 kg of fruit in Murcia, Almería and Community Valenciana and An will donate 44,000 kilos of product (37,000 kilos of fruit and 7,000 units of preserves) in food banks and other social entities.Sanlúcar and Llusar have delivered 1,000 kg of mandarins in residences of elders in Valencia and the Corp Dona Unión Dona fruits and vegetables to Almeria hospitals.Meléndez potatoes has contributed 15,000 kg of product to the Food Bank."Every week we will continue donating," he moves from this company.Calonge nuts has donated 2,000 kg of nuts without peel to the Ifema hospital.
Industrias Cárnicas Villar (Subsidiary of Costa Food) will distribute 100,000 units of Eurolochas - with a value of € 100,000 - in hospitals in Castilla y León, Extremadura and Madrid, Red Cross, Messengers of La Paz and Children's Villages.Señorío de Montanera and the dohesa of Extremadura will deliver a thousand envelopes of Iberian palette in the San Pedro de Alcántara and University of Badajoz hospitals.The Iberian company Simón Martín Guijuelo "has donated 100 kg of product to the professionals of the Salamanca care complex."
Trapa chocolates has issued a donation of 77,500 chocolates and 10,000 tablets for "more than twenty hospitals throughout Spain and five bases of the Emergency Military Unit (UME). With this small gesture, we want to thank their work to these professionals, who are fightingtirelessly during these days, "they declare responsible for Palencia.Also the Galleraeras Florbú and Gullón have made solidarity contributions.In the case of the latter, there have been 1,400 kg, delivered to Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) entities.In the fish sector, Balfegó will donate 2,500 kg of red tuna to hospitals and residences from all over Spain and the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
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