On the way between Foz and Burela, nestled between Pampillosa beach and Arealonga's, the stony line of coast wins the sea a few meters, forming a small peninsula known as "Punta de Fazouro".In it they rest today the remains of Celtic civilization that, before the arrival of the Indo -Europesheep and bovine livestock.

The inhabitants of Castro erected their small town moved by the strategic situation of the place, the first coastline;key point in defense of its people and in the provision of resources for support.Behind, forests crossed by the Ouro River.In front, the brave Cantabrian beating against the cliff.Those of us who have been lucky enough to enjoy the fall of the sun, illuminating a soft orange color the slate walls of the settlement, we can understand the successful decision of the former residents of these parts for bringing their lives, that of their families and that ofHis animals to this iconic place from Mariña.With the sunset the sea breeze penetrates into the interior, purifies the earth and drunk with its intense aroma to saltpeter all the place.The Cantabrian waves shine, blinding, while there, entering the sea, the first fishermen of the afternoon sail towards the capture of the beautiful and hake, among other delicacies.

Returning to the old camp, the rectangular form of its buildings, based on the circular fame presented by the extended ones in Galicia Casas Castreñas, whose structure has always been associated by the connoisseurs of the civilization of the Advanced Neolithic.This is due to the Roman influence, which extended throughout the Iberian Peninsula the lines of its cultural tradition;Also in the plane of architecture.Of this gives credit the finding of an Antoninian, Roman currency of the S.III Putting into circulation in the Roman world during the first years of Emperor Caracalla reign, whose real name, Marco Aurelio Severo Antonino, determined the denomination of said currency.A bronze fibula (old buckle to hold clothing garments), ceramic remains and even handmills have also been found in the settlement, to crush the cereal.The Castro de Fazouro keeps a peculiarity with respect to others that populate our Galicia.The archaeologists discovered, during the works initiated in the sixties, the existence in the cabin that formed the old house of a family nucleus of projection tile tiles inward from the wall, which was understood as a possible old staircase to connect to connecttwo floors in height.This finding constitutes a unique detail in terms of the knowledge that until then had of the military culture, where typical housing, mostly circulars and large roofs of straw, such as those that can be found in Santa Tecla or in theFamous Pallezas de O Cebreiro, they had only a ground floor, where family life was developed around a central fire, to heat and roast food.

El castro de Fazouro

One of the best known legends in the City Council of Foz is the one that attributes to the "Santo Bishop" Gonzal.IX.These attacks already existed in the first centuries of our era, by the hand of fierce pirates coming from overseas, which explains that the inhabitants of the Castro de Fazouro, although brave, will end up abandoning their settlement to move to areas where, also valuing the strategicFrom the location, they could go unnoticed and not be so exposed to attacks from the sea.Those who wish to visit this little piece of History of Galicia, either of cultural interest since 2017, can even do it from the lovely Feve, in the line that binds Ferrol with Oviedo, whose Fazouro station is a little less than three hundred meters from the Castro, always open to thepublic and free.

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