Pekín 2022 anunció la ropa que lucirán los deportistas en la ceremonia de entrega de medallas. La indumentaria está marcada por las condiciones meteorológicas adversas: llevarán ropa interior que se calienta automáticamente, botas autodeslizantes y abrigos en tres colores.
The organizers insist that the costumes will be "simple, safe and exciting" and will demonstrate "heart opening to welcome all countries of the world to participate in the event".Each uniform set will also include jacket, hat and gloves.
They are part of the work of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Institute of Fashion Technology of Beijing and have been produced by the official sponsor of the Beijing Beiao Group ceremony.There are costumes for escorts and carriers of medal trays in tones of red and blue and three different designs have been revealed.
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"Lucky Snow and Cloud" is based on two auspicious traditional snow and cloud symbols.The cloud of luck will surely evoke memories of the 2008 Beijing Games when it was a central motive in the appearance of the games and a characteristic of the design of the Olympic torch.
The "great landscape" design is inspired by a famous Chinese painting entitled "Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers".Use the techniques of traditional Chinese art, combining mountain shadows with Beijing 2022 emblems.
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