Rocío Camacho is one of those influencers who dedicate her life to something more than uploading photos to Instagram, traveling or selling products. She has dreams and goals and her clothing brand is one of her fulfilled dreams. She is having a hard time, but she is happy with her results and she doesn't plan to stop trying to make it a success.
Although lately there has been a lot of talk about her because of her relationship with the actor Álex González, the truth is that she prefers to keep her private life private and does not like to talk about her partners. By the way, being her influencer has taken its toll and has cost her some of those relationships.
She talks about that and how she faces life and its challenges in her first book, Co (n) reason. A kind of compilation of guidelines to face everything with positivity. She shows that she has reflected and worked to get to know and love each other and she has not hesitated to contact professionals to help her overcome episodes of anxiety or stage fright.
She is only 26 years old, but she has a very mature mentality that can help other young people to define goals and know what she wants or doesn't want from herself and from others. She and she does it by pulling proverbs, many of them, outdated and ill-advised and explains why.
Reason or heart, which predominates in your life?
Heart, without a doubt, is what I have always guided myself by and what I hope to continue guiding me always.
Although reading the book we also see you with reason very present and your head very well furnished.
Man, you have to try to take stock in certain situations, but in general, what I tend to be guided by is the heart, even if my head leads me to other things.
That's the name of your first book, which you say has been an emotional therapy for you, what have you discovered about yourself?
First of all, that I am able to express myself on issues of feelings that I knew I had in my head, but I didn't know if I would be able to express them. I think that when you put all your attention and all your desire, everything ends up being achieved. The rest was inside me and I discovered that I could dare to express myself in a lot of things that make me feel shy on social networks or make me feel more vulnerable for fear of criticism.
Haven't you felt that vulnerability sharing this book?
Yes, at first I felt vulnerable for two things. One for the criticism of how he was going to handle talking about certain topics. When Planeta proposed it to me, I felt that adrenaline of facing a new challenge, but then I felt the vulnerability of not knowing what was expected of me and if I was going to meet the expectations that the team had of me. The first days I made myself a bit small but I quickly tried to hide all the ghosts and speak as if it were a chat with a friend or family member and try to reflect what I feel.
You strip the Spanish proverb, which is very broad, and disassemble some of those phrases that have been repeated to us all our lives, which one causes you the most hives?
I believe that 'better the bad known than the good to be known'. I have heard it so many times in my life in so many aspects, both in work and personal, that it is the one that makes me the most angry. And the subject of proverbs, I am from a town in Ciudad Real and I have been very accustomed all my life to my mother, my grandmother, relatives, having repeated certain proverbs to me and we are in the 21st century and we do not have to have certain thoughts rooted that they repeat to you and you assimilate them without stopping to give them a spin and see if it is what you think. That of 'better the bad known than the good to know' is the one that annoys me the most because the good is always to be known and staying with what is known is staying in the comfort zone.
What proverb would you stay with?
I turn most of it around, but if I had to stick with one it would be 'who overcomes complexes goes fast and goes further'. It is the one that I would have liked when I was 16 or 17 years old that, like many people, when we go through adolescence, which is a complicated stage, I would have liked to hear it and emphasize what it means.
A book aimed at twenty-somethings in the process of moving on to adult life, do you think that in general young people have that same knowledge of themselves as you do?
No, and it's okay not to have it because it's part of life's learning. I am especially excited to release a book that will show my learning and that can be useful to people who are going through these stages.
Your learning is that of someone who has spent time getting to know each other, how did you do it?
I've been suffering from anxiety for about three years and from then on my brother started recommending me many self-help books. If I'm honest, I used to see motivational and self-help talks and so on, but the subject of books is not something that had me hooked. It was kind of hard for me to read. When I started with the subject of anxiety I began to investigate a little on the subject of books. I have always liked the subject of writing, but I had kept it to myself.
A generational book, what would you say is the best and worst thing about your generation?
The worst thing is that we are a generation that uses people as disposable handkerchiefs. Although I dedicate myself to that, I think that social networks in general, not only Instagram, have instilled both friendships and couples. Superficiality and saying 'if things go wrong with this person, nothing happens because there are twenty thousand other options'. It is the worst of our generation. We live fast and without valuing what is really important. There are also positive aspects such as the fact that we are much more open people, who would have thought 20 years ago that Instagram was going to become not only a leisure tool but also a job opportunity?
"There is no such thing as a perfect life." You start with that resounding and hopeless statement, destroying illusions?
Not at all. I consider myself a very positive person, but I think you also have to be realistic. I am totally aware that, when I dedicate myself to social networks, there is a bit of the concept that what you show is what is beautiful, that is only what you live and for nothing. I wanted to make it clear that I am an ordinary girl, 26 years old, and my life is not rosy, rainbow, or cotton candy. I have problems like everyone else, down days... like any human being, but on my social networks I try to reflect positive things. I am also positive and I try to make those moments of downturn, insecurity or bad times, a moment of learning and reflection.
The fact of showing only the positive part, don't you think it distorts reality?
It could be, but I also think that if you want bad news, you just have to turn on the news. When someone gets into my IG I want it to be an escape route. If you've had a bad day at work, you shouldn't have to swallow, 'well, I've had it too, we're going to get bitter together', well no. Get on my IG and get a little distracted, you laugh if I've posted a TikTok... I try to provide a method of distraction and I want to believe that I don't transmit the distorted reality because I also tell about bad days, even if I don't share them.
It is the book of an influencer and her way of understanding her life, have we overcome prejudices with your profession?
I think not (laughs). I think that little by little it is being accepted more, but like any change, it takes its process, and I think not. Just as when I published the book, I have received, for the most part, a lot of constructive criticism and a lot of positive comments, I have also received many comments of 'come on, an influencer writing a book, what do you have to teach' or 'I'm sure I'll have written'. I also expected it. There are many people with many prejudices who believe that a person who dedicates himself to IG lives by taking two photos, doing absolutely nothing else with his life, that on top of that they pay him a super exaggerated amount of money and they will have written the book for him, they put their expensive and they give him a lot of money. I understand that it is what many people may think when they do not know the world, but the reality is different.
There are more and more girls who want to be an influencer, what would you tell them?
Honestly, I believe that you have to look for it, that what you have to look for in life is what moves your heart and moves your stomach. Whatever makes you feel like a better person. I did not seek to be an influencer, it is something that came up. Today, if I were given the option of what to do, I would seek to dedicate myself to the world of fashion, which is basically what I am passionate about.
You influence many people, do you feel responsible for the values you transmit?
No, because I don't consider myself to be anyone's mother. I try to show myself responsibly, I am 26 years old and I am not a crazy head and I am aware that people underage follow me, but I do not feel any responsibility. I try to show myself how I am, how my parents have educated me and have taught me and that's it. I don't feel the responsibility of having to instill certain values.
Still, not everything is so rosy. You talked before about the anxiety you suffer, how do you manage to live with it?
With patience and knowing myself because the truth is that at first it was complicated for me because it was like I denied that I had anxiety because it came up when I launched my clothing brand. For me it was unfeasible to think that I, who was fulfilling my dream, was at the same time developing a kind of mental illness. In my head there was no room for that idea. But as the weeks went by and my family, who knows me better than anyone, told me 'you're not okay' and made me reflect. My mother has also suffered from anxiety for many years and more than anyone knows how to understand me. To this day, I know how to detect it very quickly when it is going to give me which, luckily in this moment of life is very rare, trying to live with it in the best possible way. It costs me my bad times, but the world does not end for that.
There are more and more celebrities who confess to suffering from this disease. If we focus on musicians, from J Balvin to Camila Cabello going through a long list of other names. Has that helped her normalization or do you think she has suffered a contagion effect?
I do not think so. I want to think that it is the disease of the 21st century, we live fast and we don't have time to assimilate things, we want to cover too many things and that generates anxiety. Making it visible is super positive, hence there are people who try to stage their film or get on the 'me too' bandwagon, I don't know, I want to think not. It seems to me a very serious issue for there to be someone who wants to take advantage of it to get some benefit. It is super necessary to make it visible so that whoever suffers it and is afraid to talk about it with their relatives, knows that they are not alone. It is normal and you can get out of it and it is important to ask for professional help.
You also tell how you overcame stage fright, does it relapse or once overcome is it over?
I can tell you about my personal case. Today it is true that I still feel panic if I have to face a large public and speak, but I do. I don't enjoy it one hundred percent, but I do.
One of the people who has helped you the most in all these processes is Antonio, your brother. How did you go from having a regular relationship to being your great reference?
In my case with maturity. He has always been a very mature boy with very clear goals, and I was the complete opposite. I was like a crazy goat, I studied and got good grades in high school, but my life was based on the fact that I wanted to have a social life all the time. I didn't know what I wanted to study. Over the years, starting at 17 or 18, he was the one who told me, 'It's great that you want to enjoy yourself, but what do you want to do with your life? what do you like, what motivates you, what aspirations do you have?' From then on we began to get along better and to this day, apart from my brother, he is my best friend and the person I tell everything to.
He chased his dream of football and now he is a physical trainer for a first division team in Romania, has he been inspiring to you?
Apart from the fact that he is now in a first division team, seeing the progress motivates me a lot. As he has always been so clear about his objectives, I have seen how he did not go on vacation for a football game that did not mean anything to him because it was his passion. On the weekends he didn't go out with his friends because he had to study to be able to train during the week. Seeing that dedication and the fact that it means having a goal that is a challenge and not a sacrifice makes me feel motivated.
Has he invited you to a lot of footballers parties?
No (laughs), he hasn't invited me to a footballer's party, it doesn't enhance my social life.
Speaking of references, you talk about Vanessa Hudgens, Anahí or Tini, did you see yourself in a series singing and dancing?
What's up, not at all (laughs). As a child I loved the show and at all the family meals, with my cousins, it was my time to sing and dance and I thought I was going to be the best singer in the world. But no, the world has been saved from a catastrophe.
Speaking of series, what has hooked you lately?
The last one I've seen was Red Sky, which I really liked a lot.
You assure that your attitude defines you and not your physique, do you think that is what really happens in social networks?
No, I think both things influence. The physical influences, but it is not why you stay. You can follow a person on social networks because they look beautiful, but the networks are full of beautiful people, and if they don't bring you anything else, personally, it tires me. I can follow him for a month to realize that he is just a pretty face, but I think it is important to influence other aspects as well.
You talk about the national sport, not football but criticism, do you consider giving an opinion about someone critical?
No, because I think you can give your opinion about someone and do it subjectively, but with criteria and respect. But it doesn't usually happen that way, really.
You don't like to prejudge either, do they usually do it with you?
I don't know, I have met several people who have told me, 'what a surprise because I was expecting a borderline or freaked out person'. People who have met me after following me on IG have told me, 'what a surprise'.
To finish, what song would you put as a soundtrack to your book?
I am lucky, by Manuel Carrasco. It's one of my favorite songs and, besides, I think it fits like a glove.
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