1. Evasión
  2. Bloomberg

Un jersey simple pero meticulosamente elaborado y hecho del mejor cashmere del mundo puede alcanzar los 2.000 euros o más en prestigiosas marcas de moda como Loro Piana.However, it is also possible to acquire a simple 100% cashmere sweater on a discount shelf in UNIQLO for only 30 euros.

Hecho de la lana más suave producida por ciertas razas de cabras, como la cabra blanca Zalaa Ginst y la cabra de la Meseta Tibetana, el cashmere nació como un tipo de tejido reservado para los amantes de la moda más adinerados: la esposa de Napoleón Bonaparte fue una de las que ayudó a popularizar el tejido como producto exclusivo.

However, in the last two decades, the Fast Fashion industry is around the market with garments that claim to be cashmere but at a much smaller price. En 2016 se exportaron casi 1.400 millones de dólares en prendas de cashmerea nivel mundial, frente a los 1.200 million dollars in 2010, according to commercial data from the United Nations.That is almost five million kilograms of sweaters, rebels and other garments of all price.

Then. ¿qué hace que un suéter sea mejor que otro? El precio depende de la calidad del hilo, dónde se fabricó la prenda, el número de unidades compradas por la marca y el mercado.

The quality of the raw material

The quality of the raw material a menudo es lo que más importa.The longest cashmere fibers maintain their integrity for a longer time, which allows the garments to retain their structure and avoid the formation of balls, which is more common in garments made of short.Today, manufacturers often manufacture clothing with a combination of lengths to balance quality with cost.

 Nylon, piel de rata y fraude: cómo un jersey de cashmere puede costar 30 euros

The thickness of the thread used for the fabric also determines its durability.The so -called single -layer thread is the weakest and can quickly lead to holes in a sweater.The highest quality cashmere pieces are typically two or three thick threads.

Fabor treatment

The goats that produce this wool are raised in several parts of the world such as Australia, China and Mongolia, but Scotland and Italy are known for their skill in the fabric manufacture.Luxury fashion houses such as Loro Piana and Brunello Cuccinelli depend on the experience of their workers to wash, treat and refine the fabric.Cashmere is a fabric that repels a lot of dye, but Italy has developed ways to achieve strong saturation.

The percentage

Mixed versions of cashmere sweaters, available in most retail establishments, may contain very different amounts of this material.In some cases, only 5% of a garment is made of cashmere and the rest is a combination of mass market fabrics such as polyester or nylon.

The fraud

Sometimes there is also the case that the fake cashmere reaches the store shelves."There is certainly fraud on this forehead," says Frances Kozen, director of the Cornell Fiber Fashion Institute and Innovation.Fellifiers market garments with tissues labeled as 100% cashmere, but containing wool, rayon (viscose) and acrylic, and possibly even rat skin, she says.

The cashmere industry solution

The garments manufactured with lower quality mixtures, occasional fraud and ubiquity of this type of fabric have diluted the reputation that had the cashmere as a luxury garment, and buyers have slowly become accustomed to lower quality products.

The industry is trying to rehabilitate reputation by educating consumers about the origin of this material.Naadam, the SCANlan firm's label, assures customers that only the longest fibers use, and promises that this will make the garments last longer.In addition, the label of each garment promotes its sustainable grazing practices and the lack of chemical or bleaching products.Of course, the naadam sweaters are not cheap, they go from 125 to $ 225, so the brand must show buyers why it is worth that expense.

"Cashmere still has a lot.The brand's cashmere sweaters are manufactured in Scotland and Italy and cost between $ 155 and 495.As for the sale of lower quality cashmere, Shah has an optimistic vision: at least buyers are testing some type of cashmere and then they can start looking for better versions."In a sense, I should thank you," says Shah about cheap assistants of Kashmir.


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