Su mirada es celeste, casi transparente. Parece que se pudiera ver a través de ella, como una ventana a sus pensamientos. Sobre los hombros le caen en cascada los mechones dorados, que se funden en destellos con el color de su piel y el brillo de la rueda de carro que lleva colgando al cuello en un guiño a la bandera de su pueblo. La joya habla por ella: es gitana. «Detrás de un simple “no lo pareces” se esconde una gran lista de prejuicios que nos limitan y que, por desgracia, marcan nuestras vidas», arranca su discurso Estefanía Ruiz, que sigue defendiéndose: «Por lo visto, la población mayoritaria sí puede ser diversa, con colores diferentes de ojos, pelo y piel, pero dentro de la comunidad gitana tenemos que cumplir con una serie de estereotipos que se nos imponen, aunque seamos millones en todo el mundo».Estefanía Ruiz: «Me llaman gitana como insulto, pero para mí ser gitana es motivo de orgullo» Estefanía Ruiz: «Me llaman gitana como insulto, pero para mí ser gitana es motivo de orgullo»

Aware that being white and blonde allows himsame ethnicity, has decided to fight with nails and teeth for their rights and become one of the most visible voices of Caé activism in Spain.«Historically, they have tried to exterminate us in all possible ways, as in the Great Retail of 1749, when around 10 were captured.000 people just because they are gypsies », begins to look back to continue arguing their struggle in the present: today, despite the fact that they discriminate, dehumanize, aggregate and kill, continue to discuss and question the incorporation of antigitanism in the Criminal Code".

Estefanía was born in Cartagena 26 years ago, where his father is, but he has been raised and educated in the values of a group of strong and brave women who grew up in the neighborhood of blessed bread: «My grandmother, my mother and my auntsThey were the first to deal with racism, machismo and classism, they are the ones that have transmitted the courage and resilience of the gypsy people, which never needed Azuel princes to save them, which are for me feminism, ”he sayshonoring the word "phenjalipen", which has tattooed and in Romaní means brotherhood of women.

Estefanía Ruiz: «Me llaman gitana como insulto, pero para mí ser gitana es motivo de orgullo»

The spirit of overcoming these that are its referents pushed it five years ago to Madrid, where it has exercised as a social integrator in the municipal housing and soil company, an experience that did nothing but reaffirm its motivations and position as resistance to antigitanism."Just as while I studied my classmates and even my teachers tried to convince me that I was the exception for not being misfit with unhealthiness problems and lack of education, working for the City Council I also had to endure vexatious comments," he regrets the one who now studiesDistance Psychology, sure of not being a rare Avis within her community, then, he remembers, "the first woman to doctorate in mathematics and teach at a European university at the end of the 19th century was Sofía Kovalévskaya, a Russian gypsy".

He left it, but not Madrid, where he is still training as a professional: "I am now a designer for a brand of vindictive clothing and, in addition, I try to move forward my own project," explains Estefanía on a thousand dukes, a firm born after the confinement with whichHe aspires to make her cause visible and help any gypsy girl be afraid and feel less alone wearing a Papusza Polish shirt, the first gypsy poet to publish her texts, or wearing the same pendant as her, a symbol of nomadism andFreedom Without Borders.An initiative that, together with its activism and its art in the streets of the capital, contributes to cleaning its race with negative connotations, because, it concludes: «They have called me gypsy as insult countless times, but I have never understood the reason;For me being a gypsy is a reason for emotion and pride ».

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