Aunque no se alcancen las cifras astronómicas de EEUU, la publicidad encubierta en las redes sociales de los famosos es un negocio en alzaPublicidad encubierta en las redes: ¿Cuánto pagan las marcas por un tuit? Publicidad encubierta en las redes: ¿Cuánto pagan las marcas por un tuit?

Why does Elrubius have more influence than the PP or Barça?

187.$ 500 for a video on YouTube, 75.000 dollars for an update on Instagram or Snapchat and 30.000 dollars for a tweet.In euros, 167.046 The video, 66.800 the photo and 26.700 the tweet.That is what would be approximately pocolized, a famous or a US influencer.UU with between three and seven million followers for a content agreed with a brand or advertiser.The data handled by the Captiv8 firm transcended a few days ago in an article by The New York Times.

Gold requires quantity and not everyone has it.The less known influencers, those whose followers of followers marks between 50.000 and 500.000, they take 2.$ 500 for a prescription video on YouTube, 1.000 dollars to publish on Instagram or Snapchat and about $ 400 for a brief update prepared on the social network of the bird.

But how much do our country's celebrities charge for carrying out this type of advertising collaborations that, in most cases, are not even warned as such?We have consulted with different experts who work in the world of social networks and know firsthand what influence marketing.

It is not the same famous as 'influencer'

Garbiñe Abasolo, general director of the Thinketers agency, an influencer marketing central, clarifies, first, that there is a general confusion in the market about the use of influencer and famous terms.Its differentiation is essential to also understand the differences in amounts.

Also called celebrities already existed before the arrival of social networks.One day, those actors, athletes or presenters made the leap to the networks and also made influencers.But this word is normally used to talk about those other people who, without being protagonists in the conventional media, have become noticeable through the new digital media in a specific field.They are those bloggers or youtubers that have managed to drag a lot of mass of people and transfer borders more easily than celebrities.They are known as topinfluencers.

"While an influencer is paid for access to his audience and for the link and interactivity he achieves with his followers, a celebrity is paid for giving his image, rather than for his audience in his social networks," he clarifiesAbasolo.

Publicidad encubierta en las redes: ¿Cuánto pagan las marcas por un tuit? is a social advertising tool that puts advertisers with influencers to spread messages.His CEO, Ismael El-Qudsi tells Fcinco that "the rate paid to a famous depends on his number of followers.It is rumored that the one who charges the most is Cristiano Ronaldo, who could collect more than 100.000 euros for a tweet.A player from the Spanish soccer team would charge about 10.000, although we must bear in mind that they do not usually accept making isolated campaigns of a single tweet, but that a pack or that publication is usually hired is part of a larger campaign, "he says.

But not always the volume is the important thing."There are many celebrities that, with little audience in networks, charge a higher price for what corresponds to them by audience," says the director of Thinketers, "because they are aware that with only one tweet the brand can share the publication andinfluence the visibility of the content beyond the audience of the famous ".Abasolo says that "a famous one who has a large audience in networks, can collect a higher price because, in addition to the image, it offers the dissemination of the content, so that the investment in other media saves the brand".

On the other side of the puddle, things are much more exaggerated, with cases like those of the Kardashian sisters.Which is the reason?"They are markets where advertising in volume of audience is usually considerably greater than in our country.As an example, in YouTube channels, US advertisers usually pay 2 or 3 times more than in Spain to advertise in videos, "Garbiñe explains.

We talk about numbers that dance a lot and updates that are difficult to calculate in isolation, because they are immersed in a campaign.The type of content makes the price vary significantly and there are other factors to take into account, such as the theme or profile of the influencer, the intensity of the campaign, the number of posts, the level of involvement or extension of the shares to an eventphysical.In any case, this table can serve as a guide for rates.

Undering advertising: What do the 'followers' say?

In the US, the Federal Trade Commission has no problem that celebrities win money selling ads through their social profiles.However, he does not see with good eyes that is done undercover.That is, it is not specified anywhere that an opinion or recommendation is being given on a product or service prior commercial agreement and on condition of an economic disbursement.In our country, for the moment, it is not prohibited.

"In Spain it is legal to make an influencer marketing campaign without including any reference that the prescription has been paid, something that is mandatory in markets such as that of the United Kingdom or the US, where it is common to see a #ad or #promeassociated with these contents, "recalls Abasolo.

And what do followers think about it?Are they able to detect that it is agreed content?Do they feel cheated with their idols when they do not say it is advertising?The-Qudsi believes that "followers do not see it badly because the prescription power that the influencers have that, if the product is good, do not take it badly" is such ". Además, el CEO de states that "most celebrities do not specify that it is advertising, as is usually happening in other formats such as product placement (the strategic location of brands or products naturally integrated into series, movies or video games)".

For Garbiñe the user can feel betrayed in a certain way to that kind of unnoticed ads."The very nature of these new media and the closeness that allows between the person and his followers works with a confidence pact that requires sincerity.When this pact is broken, the audience resents it, "he adds.

On the same line thinks Manuel Moreno, founder and editor of Trecebits and author of several social media and internet books: "The followers will feel cheated if the person they follow is recommending a service or product that is of questionable quality,But also if you are recommending a product or service that, for example, has nothing to do with your tastes ".Moreno insists that effective influence marketing only when it is carried out in a "honest" way.

Does the 'marketing' influencers really work?

These types of actions are increasingly common on the Internet, although taking great care that the content in question is value.Many customers repeat because the results arrive."Without a doubt, the influencer marketing is one of the platforms that offers the greatest return to advertisers," says Abasolo.The key is in the proximity that these new celebrities of the world 2.0 They offer their community, a closeness to the people that the usual celebrities did not have.

"According to various studies, the recommendations of people known on social networks are more credible than television advertising.If we unite that it is infinitely cheaper, we can conclude that influencers marketing is really effective, "concludes El-Qudsi.Yes, but with some conditions.Moreno is convinced that "so that it has a good result, the correct choice of influencer is fundamental and being sure that your audience fits the values of the brand that you want to communicate".In addition, the author of works such as I also lié brown on the Internet defends that influencer has the responsibility to take care of his audience and "not let himself be purchased at any price, but accept marketing actions only if they have value for their followers".

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